Page 1 of Rhett

Chapter One

Lucinda Williams stared at the dog in the cage. She knew by how he stayed in the corner that grooming was the last thing he wanted.

“Come on, Bo,” she said as she kneeled in front of the door.

She huffed when he didn’t move. Sam Garrett had brought his Rottweiler to her to have him bathed, but she went through this every time with Bo. The dog acted like he hated getting groomed, but he sure seemed to love it once she got him on the table.

Lucinda straightened up with a sigh, lifted a leash off the hook, opened the door, and entered the cage. She smiled when Bo came to her. Seeing the leash made him think he was going for a ride in the car or a walk.

Hooking the leash to his collar, she almost did a face plant when Bo shot out of the cage. She was sure her arm would be ripped from the socket.

“Bo,” she said sharply, making him stop and sit. “Slow down, big boy.”

Lucinda laughed at his goofy grin, then led him to the grooming area and the electric table. She put her foot on the peddle to lower it and had Bo step on it. She used this table for the bigger dogs because there was no way she could lift them. She held on to him while putting her foot on the peddle again to raise the table. Then she removed his leash and hooked the short leash to his collar on the overhead bar. Bo was a big dog and looked intimidating, but he was a pussycat. No one who knew him would fear him, but she also knew that dogs were loyal. If they felt anyone would hurt their master or mistress, they’d defend them with their lives.

“Hey, Cinda.”

She turned to see one of her groomers enter the room.

“Hi, Tif.”

“Do you need me to work on Bo?” Tiffany said as she walked to the table, rubbed Bo’s ears, and kissed his snout. The dog licked her face.

“I can take care of him. Could you get Preston’s dogs? All three are here. It seems they had some fun in the mud.”

“Okay. I’ll get started with one of them.” Tiffany smiled at her and left the room.

Lucinda rubbed Bo’s ears and laughed when he tried to lick her.

“I don’t want your kisses, Bo.”

Once she knew he wasn’t going anywhere, she brushed him to remove dirt and trimmed his nails. That was the part most dogs hated. She smiled as she thought of one dog brought in once a month, and each time, she acted like someone was killing her when her nails were trimmed. Bo never seemed to mind. He might balk at coming out of the cage, but he seemed to love the attention once he was on the table.

After getting him brushed, and his nails trimmed, she unhooked the short leash, lowered the table, attached the longer one, and led him to the bathing area.

Lucinda only groomed dogs. Her business thrived, and she was too busy to add more. Three other groomers worked for her, and they all worked hard. There were three large tubs, two medium-sized and two smaller ones.

She not only had a grooming facility, but she also boarded dogs. She loved her job but closed on the weekends because she needed a break. Lucinda still had to take care of the dogs boarded, but she fed, watered, and let them out to exercise in the fenced-in area in the back of the kennels.

Two hours later, she sat in her office, picked up the phone, and called Sam to let him know he could pick up Bo.

“Hey, Cinda,” he said when he answered.

“Hi, Sam. Bo is ready.”

“All right. I’ll swing by after my shift if that’s okay.”

“That’s fine, Sam. If you’re running late and I’m closed, call me. I can unlock the gate and meet you at the kennels.”

“Yes, ma’am. I’ll call if I’m going to be late. Thanks, Cinda.”

“You’re welcome, Sam. See you later.” She hung up the phone.

“Was that the sexy sheriff you were talking to?”

Lucinda looked at the doorway to see Erin standing there and grinned.

“Yes, though you know he hates being called that.”