Page 2 of Rhett

Erin laughed, entered the room, and sat in a chair across from the desk.

“Yeah, I know. Every time I see him, I think how lucky Tess is.”

“You’re married, you know,” Lucinda teased.

“Yes, I know. I love my husband, but the men here sometimes make me wish I was still single.”

“Bullshit, Erin.”

Erin burst out laughing. “Yeah, I’m full of it. I love Vance.”

“I know you do—” The phone ringing cut her off. She picked it up and put it to her ear. “Williams’ Kennels and Grooming.”

“Hi, Cin.”

“Hey, Rhett. What’s up?” Lucinda looked at Erin to see her fanning her face, making Lucinda cover her mouth with her hand so Rhett wouldn’t hear her laughing.

“I need to plan to board Willie and Waylon with you. I’m going on vacation for a week in two weeks.”

Lucinda snorted, as she always did when Rhett would mention his dogs.

“When are you leaving?”

“Are you laughing at my dogs’ names again?”

She could hear the laughter in his voice.

“Me? Nah…”

“Yeah, right.”

“Okay, maybe a little. Let me open the calendar.”

“I’m leaving the week after next. I know it’s late notice, but I just decided to go.”

“I have openings then, Rhett. Just bring… Willie and Waylon by.” She laughed again.

He chuckled in her ear. “All right. I’ll see you then. Thanks, Cin.”

“Sure.” She placed the phone in its cradle.

“Now, that man is hot. I don’t know why you don’t jump his bones,” Erin said.

“We’re friends. We’ve been friends for years.”

“Yeah, so? Make it friends with benefits.” Erin tilted her head. “When was the last time you had sex?”

“God, I can’t remember.” Lucinda shook her head.

“Then you need some good sex—”

“What makes you think it would be good with Rhett?”

“Oh, my God! Have you ever really looked at Rhett Morrison? He is so damn hot, and he has a fantastic body. He can fill out a pair of Wranglers. Front and back, baby.”

“You’re so bad.”

“Well, as Olivia Stone says, I’m married. I ain’t dead.” Erin pushed to her feet. “I’m heading out. Seriously, you need to get Rhett in your bed.”