Page 33 of 8-Bit

“We’re fine,” Nitro answered.

His voice sounded rough, angry. Patches closed his eyes briefly and called, “Felix, you need anything?”

“She’s fine,” Nitro said, his tone anything but.

“I need to check her bite. Won’t take me but a second.”

“Well, you can’t come in right now. I’m fucking her.”

Motherfuck. His sadistic tone brought his pulse to a jackhammer. “Felix, you okay?”

He heard words, but couldn’t make them out.

“I didn’t quite hear you.”

“She said she’s fine!” Nitro barked.

Again, she said something, and Patches realized why he couldn’t understand her. She was fucking gagged, he was sure.

“Alright,” he called. “Just checking. Night.”

Patches raced back to his office and dialed Lesion, glancing down the hall behind him.


“I think Nitro is hurting Felix,” he whispered. “He has her in his room and I just went check on them. And there’s a million bats flying above the hospital. What do I fucking do?”

“God, no,” he muttered, his breaths turning shallow. “I’m coming.”

“What’s wrong?” a tiny voice said in the background.

“Shhh, go back to sleep, Angel. It’s just Patches. I need to run him some medicine."

“I need to do something right now if he’s fucking hurting her, tell me what to do.” He hurried to the hall, eying the darkness leading to his room.

“You have any tranquilizers?”

“No, but I have something that’ll knock him on his ass if I can get it in him.”

“Do not get near him.”

“He’s fucking hurting her,” he grit, sure of that. “She sounds gagged, like she couldn’t talk.”

“Hewon’thurt her.”

“Are you sure?” he shrilled, not at all convinced of that.

“I am. Stay near but do not agitate him. Hewillkill you.”

Patches shoved his phone in his back pocket, eyes returning to that dark hallway. He glanced around the room, spotting his baseball bat on the shelf. He grabbed it and crept to the doorway, sticking his head around the corner leading to the medicine cabinet while the screeches outside grew deafening.

He made it to the cabinet in the next room, constantly looking into the darkness behind him. Fuck, he couldn’t see shit. And turning on the light felt like a bad idea. He opened the cabinet, staring at the row of containers, finally recognizing the one that held the Propofol. He grabbed two pre-filled syringes and shoved them in his back pocket.

Grabbing the bat in both hands, he raised it to head level and made his way back to Nitro’s room. He'd have to go in. That's all. He couldn't wait for Lesion if he was hurting her. He'd want that. His rage over what he’d done to Felix was fresh in his head still. All that would be on him if he let him hurt her.

Hewillkill you.

Andthere was that.