Page 43 of 8-Bit

But who the hell would’ve told her he wasmauled?“How… did you find out what happened?”

“You texted me!” she cried, angling her head at his midsection. “Now I see why your nurse was so protective. You always work in only a doctor’s jacket and jeans? Lordy, you’re lookin’ like Mr. October in that get-up. Hey, if you wanna do some modeling for my new line of clothing, I’ll make it worth your while.” She presented her phone, holding it before his face. “That’s your text,” she said, like he hadn’t believed her. “It was confusing as hell, but I figured out you were in trouble. I called that number on the Facebook Page and reached a nice man named Jek who confirmed you had been attacked. By aman,” she added with a whisper. “Who had been attacked bybats!” she further hissed.

He read the text, marveling at how long it was. “I voice texted it,” he remembered, explaining why it was such a mess. “I was so high,” he recalled then. He’d taken a couple Lorazepam to sleep. “I’ll pay you,” he mumbled. “For all the trouble.”

“No trouble, sugar,” she said, leaning against the stairwell wall and crossing her arms. His gaze got stuck on the milky swell of breasts being pushed up by her arms. He closed his eyes and lowered his head as his celibacy habit took over about two seconds too late.

“You need help getting somewhere?” she suddenly asked, maybe realizing he was stuck against the wall in agony.

“I’m…headed to the back porch.”

She took hold of his arm. “Well, then, direct me.”

The command left no room for compromise, and he chose not to bother even though he could walk fine. It was everything above his waist that was demolished. “That way,” he nodded, angling his body right.

“I have the equipment. I don’t know what’s going on,” she said, her voice going quiet like she somehow knew whatever it was must be classified. Maybe Jek. “I’ll get it set up right away and we’ll get your brother fitted with the biometric tag so you can help him. I am so sorry to hear that happened. Bats are no freakin’ joke. We lost thousands from one flock or whatever they’re called. How in the world did he manage so many bat bites? I asked Jek and he said he couldn’t discuss it, but I could ask you. I’m fine if you can’t say, I’m still gonna help however I can. But shit you not, I’mdyin’to know how the heck that happened. Which side you want to sit at?” she wondered when they made it to the porch.

“I can walk. I was just dizzy. I’m fine now.”

“You sure?” she pressed, like she might kick his ass if he was wrong.


He finally sat with his eyes closed as Miss Texas grabbed a rocking chair nearby and scooted it right next to his. Fuck, the hurricane prep. He had the rest of the day and tomorrow to make sure everything was ready.

“You need anything? A drink of water? Bottle of pain killers?”

He let go a half laugh. “I’ll need something. I have too much shit to do.”

She looked around. “Like what? I decided I’m not making the drive back and was gonna get a hotel. But guess what? There ain’t a single dang room available for a hundred miles. Can you believe that?”

“We have room here,” he mumbled. “Every Hatch has a community shelter.”

“Wow, that’s amazing. I learned a little about that from Jek on the way out here. I have been a lot of places Doc but never have I ever seen such a paradise as this. You know in Texas, we want to be our own country. We’re all sick of the damn high up corruption, strangling the little people while pretending they do it all because they care. They don’t care aboutpotatoes,” she assured with a snap of her head and eyes at him. “They care about control, power and money. We just want to own what we own without being manipulated by big brother, you feel what I’m saying?”

My God, she could talk. But then, everything was bigger in Texas he’d heard.

“I know, I know, I talk too much. Daddy said it’s a turn off with men. Probably why I do it, just to spite him and whatever man stupid enough to think I need one. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a feminist or anything. I like men for the most part.” He got in a chuckle. “It’s the pricks I don’t like. How’s it my fault there’s so many of those? You think they see a sweet mother for their spawns when they look at me, and not just the finest ass they ever saw? That’s their words, not mine. An ass is an ass, is an ass, not sure what thedamnfuss is all about with that. But that’s dick for brains and judging by this place around here, I might be a tad excited to think male pricks are outlawed in these parts.”

“Your excitement wouldn’t be wasted Miss Texas. But don’t get too excited. The Twelve leaders of this place have a rule. No booze, no bitches and no blasphemy.”

Her slow smile drew his gaze and he found himself watching it like a rare event. It kind of was. “Well, I’d wager my spurs there’s more thantwelvemen in this swampy heaven.”

He nodded with a “Yeah,” while looking down at his coat pocket. He spotted his pack of joints and silently rejoiced, pulling them out. “But they’re not all bound by that code.”

“Here, give me that.” She took the pack from him and pulled a joint out. “You got a light?” She went to feeling his coat pocket where he’d gotten the pack then dug out his zippo. “Oh, nice,” she said, opening and putting it to her nose. He watched her take a sniff, her milk chocolate eyes rolling with her “mmmm. Ilovethat smell.”

She presented the joint to his mouth and he eyed her as he leaned and captured it with his lips, watching her as she flicked the lighter, face now serious. Those perfect brows softened when the fire appeared, moving it to the tip of the joint. He puffed, getting it fully lit.

“Kinda dumb for a doctor to smoke, don’t you think?” she mused, taking it from him and puffing real big on it. She sputtered and choked, handing it back to him. “That’s not a damn cigarette!”

“No, it’s not,” he said, unable to stop his laugh. “You’re a real trip. How about you take a break for a swamp second and enjoy the quiet morning. Then we can get to what needs doing with as little words as possible.”

She nodded, looking around. “Alright Doc,” she said lightly. “I like a straight shooter.” She tucked her chin and pushed the front of her hat up a little. “That’s a whoooole lot better than an ass-kisser.” She looked at him. “So…where are these… Twelve Swamp Warriors?”

Was she in heat? “In their Hatches, likely.”

“Ah.” She looked around then wondered, “Where’s the one for this Hatch?”