Page 42 of 8-Bit

He hurried back spotting Cherie on the porch, sweeping with a warrior’s vigor, determined to purify and protect their sanctuary however she could. She’d felt helpless while he sat with his father, he knew. But after learning she was one of his spirit warriors, he was thrilled to have her as his right hand in his Spirit Hatch. He’d prayed for more people, and they’d been standing right among them the entire time. Made him wonder who else they had hiding in plain sight.

The second her gaze found him, she paused, and he lit up like a power plant. He’d worried his flesh would weaken his spirit, but the opposite seemed to happen with her, and God was he grateful since he couldn’t deny the hungers she set anytime he laid eyes on her. She was literal food in so many ways and that he could feast to his heart’s content without jeopardizing anything was the greatest gift.

His need flared when she dropped her broom and hurried to meet him. She ran the last few feet and caught him in a tight hug. “Ma Cherie,” he gushed, hugging her back tight and petting her. “You okay?”

“I’m just worried about you,” she wept in his chest. “All I can do is clean and pray and feel useless.”

He took her face and held it tight. “Let your husband help with that.” He devoured her mouth, bringing those sounds he’d been craving to hear. He moved along her jaw, then neck. “I have you,” he whispered, sucking with a lustful intent that lit her up.

By the time they made it inside, a frantic clothing war broke out, their ragged, hot breaths communicating what was coming. He fell with her on the bed, hiking her leg up as he did. He entered her and her sharp cry brought a hurricane of desire that crushed their need. She called for her own devastation with non-stop “fuck me, fuck me”and he answered with a brutal passion. Her screams of pleasure crashed into his spirit, and he absorbed all of it, feeling it form an impenetrable shield in them. Fuck, his life of celibacy had hidden this powerful dynamic from him but now that he knew, he would without a doubt utilize every glorious bit of that gift.

Seer spent fifteen minutes kissing her forehead as the remnants of what passed between them dwindled to labored breaths filled with moans of awe and contentment.

“You have to go, don’t you,” she murmured.

He stroked his fingers along her hair line. “I do.”

“And I have to stay here.”

Hearing the sadness in her tone, he said, “I need to tell you something.”

She lifted up, staring down in his face, worry lining her caramel brow.

“When I spoke to Mon Piere, he said I wasn’t alone in preventing the darkness from taking him. He said there was a web of light between you and me. You were my strength, Cherie while I fought. So…do not think you are useless ever again.” He angled his head at her, loving the look of devotion on her face. “Will you serve as my right hand in the Spirit Hatch?”

Tears fell and she nodded, pressing kisses on his mouth around gasps. “Are you stupid? OfcourseI’m yours however you need me.”

He grinned and pulled her on top of him, watching desire melt her face at feeling his arousal again.

She raised up, sitting her perfect ass on his erection. “Letmefuckyounow.”

His smile burned up in the instant inferno her words created. He looked between them, watching her rise up and guide him to heaven’s door. Then she shoved them both through in a sudden drop that brought his fingers digging with a blast of desire. He helped her fuck him as hard and fast as she wanted, his growls building with every plunge she took. “Fuck,” he gasped, staring at his cock moving in and out of her. “Oh fuck, Cherie,” he said, jerking her harder and meeting every descent with a vicious buck of his hips. The assault was magnificent, her shrieks bursting with every slam of his dick.

His orgasm came, otherworldly and powerful. He knew this was how they’d always prepare for war from that point on. What she created… no, whattheycreated felt like diving into a pool of immeasurable power and light and he needed every drop of that. It was a truly holy fuck, and he’d never experienced anything more glorious.


Patches pried his eyes open with a groan, hearing voices. He recognized one of the nurses while trying to make out the other familiar one. Sounded like…Tegan.

He groaned his way to sitting, remembering he’d texted her in the zombie hours after Lesion’s hero boost wore off the night before. There was no way he’d make that ride to her.

He listened to the agitated nurse. “Well, ma’am, he’s recovering from an accident, and we have a hurricane to prepare for, your business will have to wait,” she said, sorry not sorry.

He made his way to his feet as he heard Tegan’s voice, making her own point, sounding like she’d made it a few times already and wasn’t budging. Was she on speakerphone? “And Itoldyou Iknowabout the accident and that’s why I drove here.”

Drove here. She wasthere?How the hell did she find her way to his hospital?

The nurse must’ve read his mind as Tegan said, “Well, I didn’t teleport to this exact location, I was driven by a very nice and helpful man named Jek,” she said, stressing the nice and helpful at the nurse. “I got the number on the Bayou Bishops Facebook page, my lord, can I just see him so I can drop off this equipment and show him the ropes then get out ofyourhair?”

He finally found his phone and opened the hospital app, hitting the paging button. “Nurse…uh… Sarah,” he remembered. “Show the lady…to the basement. Please. I’ll handle it from here. Thank you.”

“Yes sir,” she said as Patches slid the phone in his back pocket while swaying his way to his white coat and carefully sliding it on. He mentally counted and located his injuries. Fuck, he’d need a fucking map for all of them.

He was at the bottom of the stairs when the door opened above. Thank fuck, he would never make that climb.

She gasped at seeing him. “Oh my God. You weren’t kidding when you said you’d been mauled!”

He leaned against the wall, surprised at the woman heading down the steps toward him. Not the twig of a thing he’d imagined. She was bursting with curves in a pair of jeans that left nothing to the imagination. He didn’t even make it to the upper half by the time he was staring into the concerned face of a Miss Texas USA, complete with a black cowgirl hat. Just what he needed. A Texas Barbie in the swamp during a hurricane.