Page 48 of All Of My Heart

“Yes. I mean, no. I mean, duh, of course, he’s hot and mine and…”Jesus, stop rambling, woman.“Anyway, what were we saying?”

“The sex must be really good if he’s got you rambling,” Jess muses.

I swallow all the words I want to say like, ‘I wouldn’t know because as badly as I want to jump my husband’s bones, we decided not to do that’. I’m equal parts stupid and smart for agreeing to that arrangement. I’m also equal parts turned on and affected by myhusband, which is something I need to address. But not today.

“Out of this world,” I say, hating that my usual excitement has up and left my body. Jess tilts her head and opens her mouth to say something—probably to call me out on lying to her face—when Harrison approaches me with a glass of cold champagne. I eagerly take it from him and take a big sip. The bubbles burn slightly with the bitterness from that first taste and it serves as a good distraction from… well, everything right now.

“Thirsty, sweetheart?” Harrison’s gruff voice shouldn’t make me tremble, but it does, and I do.Yeah, I’m the most parched I’ve ever been in my life, thanks to you, dear husband.

“Very thirsty,” I reply, sounding a little too desperate. But when Harrison’s eyes darken, I have to fight a shiver, wondering if maybe sex isn’t off the table as he seems to be as needy as I clearly am. Maybe we could come to an arrangement.Oh good, another arrangement.Yeah, that won’t work.

The men all chat business, which I’m not really listening to. Harrison’s big, warm hand finds its way around my hip, stoking the fire inside me. I’m barely able to stay upright when he squeezes against me every now and again. I’m dizzy from holding my breath and from his proximity. Frankly, I’m surprised I haven’t passed out.

After twenty minutes of touching, I’m ready to tap out because unless he’s going todevour melike he suggested earlier, I need a break. Or a shot. Or to be fucked against my dresser. I’m not picky. Well, I am, and I want him, but I know that won’t happen. So, I excuse myself to the ladies’ room to take a breath.

I take care of business and just as I’m about to flush the toilet, I hear a name I’m all too familiar with. Two women walk in, talking about Harrison.

“But did you see how he’s practically begging for my attention?”

“Absolutely, he wants you back.”

“Am I going backwards if I take him back, though?”

I listen with my breath stalling behind the closed bathroom door. I can’t see the women, but it’s clear that one of them is his ex. How dare she think he’d want her attention. I’m about to burst out when I hear another one mutter.

“You’ll have to get that blonde hussy away from him first.”

“Please, have you seen me? She doesn’t stand a chance. Besides, I know how to play Harrison.”

Blonde hussy. Those little… I don’t care if it’s true for my past self. No one gets to assume they know me and have the audacity to try and steal a man right from under my nose. Rage bubbles in my chest as I flush the toilet and fling the door to my stall open so abruptly the thwack of wood-on-wood echoes around the small space and as I step out, heels clacking on the marbled floor, two sets of eyes assess me.

I slowly walk towards the sink, knowing the moment they realise I heard everything they said and I’m the one who is with Harrison because they practically stop breathing. It takes all of my energy not to bitch slap them, but if I’ve learned anything from my vindictive mother, it’s how to piss people off.

The spray of the tap stops, and silence fills the room like a threat as I turn to face both women. One is tall and brunette, the other red haired and around my height. Both dressed in boring office attire style dresses. Both staring at me like I have two heads. Both stupid for messing with me.

“This particular blonde hussy won’t be going anywhere except home with Harrison Clarke tonight,” I hiss, letting my eyes lazily trawl over them with disgust. “Enjoy your day, ladies.” I smile, but it’s laced with venom because if anyone wants to try to get between me and my fake husband, I’d love nothing more than to see them try.

Walking back to the box, I barely hear someone calling my name. When I do, I turn to see Aaron approaching me. All wild blonde hair, charm, and bronzed skin. “Hey there, baby girl,” he says, pulling me into a hug. “I thought you were running from me for a second.”

I hug him back. It’s good to see him. I haven’t in over a month. “Run from you? Never,” I mumble into his chest.

“Your brothers told me something that might just mean my heart has broken.” His green eyes gauge my reaction. “But I know you wouldn’t do me dirty like that.”

“I hate to tell you…” I reply, biting my lip.

His hand clasps dramatically over his chest and he staggers back. “No! Say it isn’t so. My girl is off the market for real?”

I laugh lightly. “Afraid so.” I flash him the ring, and he gasps.

“He got you a Tiffany diamond? I could never compete. Not on the peanuts your brothers pay me.”

“My brothers do not pay you peanuts.”

“You’re right, they don’t. I just have expensive taste.” He pulls me in for another hug, and just as he lets me go, the two women from the bathroom walk past and throw a sneer my way. I hear one of them mutter something under their breath, but I brush it off and smile at Aaron instead.

“I have to go rescue Nate, but I’m coming to find you later.”

I tilt my head. “Nate okay?”