Page 47 of All Of My Heart

“You want to know real insanity, Zoey?” I ask, crowding her again, leaning into her, needing to be close enough so my words cement themselves into her skin. “It’s watching you but not being able to touch you. It’s seeing you be this force of nature that I can’t tame. It’swantingto kiss you, have you, claim you, but being unable to because we agreed not to complicate things.” I brush my nose against hers, relishing the heat blasting from her and the hitch in her breath. “But what drives me over the edge is every time you wear a dress, I have to stop myself from wanting to flip it up and taste you.” My heart thrums loudly in my ears as I stand to my full height again, looking down at the beautiful woman with yearning in her eyes. “You, Zoey Clarke, drive me certifiably insane.”

I run the pad of my thumb over her plump bottom lip, and her eyes flutter closed. “Now get dressed before I do something I shouldn’t.”

“Like what?” she asks in a breathy whisper.

“Like bend you over and fuck you on your dresser.”

Chapter 26



Holy fuck.

Holy fucking fuck.

My blood feels like it’s on fire, racing through my body, making me hotter than I’ve ever been before. My husband turns me on something fierce and then leaves me high and dry. I’m partly impressed with his restraint but severely disappointed by it, too. My skin is humming with the memory of his words washing over me and my body is hellbent on giving up on this arrangement. Desperation claws at me like a living, breathing thing, dying to be set free, but I hold it all back because today I’m going to Ascot to impress my husband’s clients and be a good wife. The possibility that I might see my parents instantly cools me like I’ve been dunked in a vat of ice water. I really don’t want to see them, but I’m sure as hell not going to let Harrison know how much I’m bothered by that. I’m going to be there for him today.

Standing on wobbly legs, I make my way to my wardrobe and pull out the dress I’d planned to wear today. It’s navy and makes me feel like I’m getting ready for church. I hate it. Pushing it back into my wardrobe, where I hope it gets eaten by moths, I flick over the other options I have that aren’t just dresses.

“Too pink, too slutty, too many sequins… pfff, I take that back you can never have too many.” I continue flicking until I reach one that could work. When I pull it out, I know it’ll work. “Bingo.”

I quickly dress and grab the fascinator that’s actually better with this outfit than the last, anyway. As I step out into the hallway, Harrison is there, staring at his phone, looking even more delicious than he did a minute ago because he’s added a dark tan blazer that I already know will make his brown eyes pop.

When he focuses on me, his whole face darkens just like it did when he was behind me in my bedroom. He lets his heated gaze sear right through the black jumpsuit I picked. I know I look good. The material clings to every curve and dip of my body until it flares out at my hips. This particular jumpsuit is my favourite and I feel amazing in it.

“You look stunning, Zoey,” he says, tucking away his phone, giving me his full attention.

“You don’t look so bad yourself,” I reply, walking towards him, heat filling my veins again. I take him in with his perfectly fitted navy chinos, and a light blue shirt that compliments the whole outfit. That damn blazer, that yep, I knew it, is just the right shade to bring out the colour in his eyes. Ugh, even his shoes are sexy on him. God, I should’ve had a cold shower. “Let’s get going before I do somethingIshouldn’t now.”

Harrison hums a laugh and we both turn to walk towards the door.

It takes us about an hour to get to Ascot from Chelsea and being in the car with Harrison smelling so good I could eat him and looking so good… well, I’d also eat him. The last hour has felt like an eternity.

When we park up, Jess, Liam, Nora and Grayson are all getting out of their car at the same time. Jess spots us and marches over to Harrison and me.

“Zoey,” she yells as she stomps over to me. The scowl she’s wearing tells me I’m in for a Jess dressing down, and I’m betting it has something to do with my nuptials. “How the hell did I have to find out you got married from my own husband?”

I wince and offer her a half smile. “I know. I’m the worst friend ever. It just needed to be low key.”

Jess’ eyes flash with hurt for a second and the pang of guilt I feel for doing this entire sham hits me square in the ribs. God, I really am the worst kind of friend.

“I didn’t even realise you were seeing anyone.” She glances at Harrison and smiles. “Hi, I’m Jess. I don’t know if Zoey mentioned me because she seems to have forgotten we’re friends.”

“Scotty, put your claws away.” Liam approaches his wife, towering behind her, and she turns her glare to him, but it’s swiftly removed when he leans in and kisses her. When he releases her and looks up at us, he smiles. “Congratulations is what my wife has neglected to say. We’re really happy for you both.” His hand extends to shake Harrison’s and Nora and Grayson join us too, as we all head to our box.

I link arms with Jess and lean my head on her shoulder, needing to make amends. “Don’t be mad at me,” I pout.

Jess huffs. “I’m… not mad. I just wanted to be there for my friend.”

“I know. I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” I lie because the fewer people who know this is all a rouse, the better. It feels bitter on my tongue. I hate the fact that I have to lie to my closest friend, but it’s the only option right now. I hope they’ll all still be there for me when they have to pick up the pieces from this arrangement ending because I already know it’s going to hurt like hell.

When we’re settled inside the box, Harrison’s hand lands on my lower back and I almost jolt because I still haven’t managed to completely calm down from our conversation earlier. “Would you like a drink?”

I nod. “Champagne, please.” I exhale as I watch him walk away. It’s only when I feel Nora poke me that I realise that I’m staring and daydreaming. “Hm? Sorry, I—”

“Was staring after your hot as hell husband?”