Page 49 of All Of My Heart

I see fear and something else in Aaron’s eyes for a moment, but it’s gone once he blinks. “It’s… complicated. I’ll come find you later.”

“I need to find my hubby anyway.” I kiss his cheek and walk towards the box again.

Chapter 27


Howlongisitacceptable to stay at these things? I’ve forgotten all my manners when talking to clients. My eyes keep searching for a particular bombshell who’s under my skin. The champagne I’ve been nursing is warm and bitter now, and all I’m doing is ignoring people and actively not drinking.

A small female hand travels up my arm from behind, and I warm. Just as I turn, thinking it’s Zoey, I see two cold brown eyes, not the baby blues I’m used to seeing.Vanessa.My face hardens and the ease I felt in my bones moments ago dissipates and leaves me a statue, staring at the woman who fucked me over.

“Harrison, honey, how are you?” Her leathery voice isn’t anything like Zoey’s soft rasp, and it makes me shudder. She leans towards me to peck my cheek, but I don’t want her near me. Stepping backwards, she drops her hand from my arm and I watch as her fake happy face morphs into hard edges as she scowls at me.

“Vanessa,” I greet her coldly, not interested in keeping eye contact.

When I scan the room, I spot Zoey coming back in through the entrance. The light from her emanates like a beacon, her hair haloed around her delicate face, the bright pink fascinator peacocking from the headband on her head, fanning around her, makes me smile. When she spots me, she smiles so widely I can’t help but return my own as heat creeps into my cheeks. Vanessa turns her head abruptly to find out who has made my cheeks flame, and when she spots Zoey, she hisses under her breath.

Zoey’s focus flicks to Vanessa, and she stiffens but advances confidently towards us. Something shifts inside me and a weight lifts as she approaches. I take a full inhale that feels like the first day of spring is filling my lungs. With each step she takes, I can breathe easier see clearer.

“Harrison, baby.” She sidles up to my side, fitting perfectly against me, and rests her palm effortlessly on my chest. “I’m sorry that took me so long.” She lifts to her tiptoes and presses soft, warm kisses across my jaw, along my cheek and once to my neck and my entire body comes alive. I wrap my arm around her waist and hold her against me, silently telling her that I need her.

She stops kissing me all too soon and turns to Vanessa, holding her eye contact and keeping her hand on me possessively. “Oh, we don’t need any more drinks, thanks.”

Vanessa’s mouth gapes as she stares at my wife. Snapping her mouth closed, her jaw ticks and she folds her arms over her chest. “I’m not the help. I’m Vanessa. Harrison can tell you exactly who I am.”

Zoey thrums her fingers against my chest but doesn’t look at me. “Ohhh, Vanessa, I forgot we met in the bathroom. I know who you are, and oh,” Zoey gasps, lowering her hand from my chest and extending it to Vanessa. “I’m so rude. I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Zoey, Harrison’s wife.”

Vanessa’s head draws backwards. “I’m sorry, what?”

Zoey smiles, lacing her words with cruel and purposeful intention. “Zoey Clarke, it’ssonice to meet you.”

Vanessa looks past Zoey, ignoring her handshake offer, and shakes her head. “What the f—”

I step forward, interrupting Vanessa and pulling Zoey against me. “I’d be very careful about what you say next.”

Vanessa rears back, searches the room and then clears her throat. “Harrison, can we talk somewhere, privately?”

“No. Anything you need to say to me can be said in front of my wife.Wedon’t keep secrets from each other.”

Anger flares Vanessa’s nostrils as she looks away and then back to me. The chill from her eyes always made me uneasy and now, seeing it differently, I can’t believe I ever wasted time with someone who clearly never cared about me. “I had no idea you were serious with anyone, I thought. I assumed we would—”

I hold my hand up between us. “Let me stop you right there. In no uncertain terms would I ever accept you back into my life. It’s been eight months, Vanessa. You call my office, you harass my staff, you are unwelcome in my life,” I seethe, shaking my head at my own stupid past mistakes. “The moment you cheated on me, you lost all rights to ever speak to me again. And now, that includes my wife, so if you’ll excuse us.”

I turn to Zoey to walk away when Vanessa’s hand lands on my bicep. “Wait.”

Zoey flies into action, her hand pushing against Vanessa’s on my arm, setting me free of her claws. “Get your hands off my husband.”

Vanessa’s brown eyes fill with tears, fake tears because she was always good at that. “Harrison, you’re going to let her talk to me like that?”

I sure as hell am.Before I can answer, Zoey steps closer to Vanessa.

“Did you miss the part where he told you he doesn’t want to speak to you again? Or do you need help understanding?” Zoey’s head cocks to the side, disdain dripping from each word.


“—But nothing. You fucked up and lost him. He’s mine now, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about that.”

Zoey takes my hand and drags me to the back of the box behind the bar. Meanwhile, my brain is stuck on a loop where Zoey called me hers. That primal part of it has sparked to life at the word and how openly she claimed me. Logically, I know she did it because of what we’re doing, but logic isn’t ruling my brain right now. She is.