Page 36 of All Of My Heart

“Sounds good.” I smile. “See you Sunday.”

We hang up and I go about my usual morning routine. Coffee, emails, stretching, shower and dressed.

When I’m on my way out the door, I bring up my texts to send a message to Zoey at the exact moment as my phone rings and it’s her.

“Zoey, I was just thinking about you.”

“Oh, you were? Good things, I hope.”

“Always. What’s up?” I ask as I get into my car and turn the engine on, waiting for the Bluetooth to pick up the call.

“So, the marriage thing. Lloyd and Sam tell me we need to give notice for twenty-eight days before we get married.”

“Shit, we do?”

“Apparently, we need to give people the opportunity to contest it. I don’t think it’ll be an issue, but it does mean we won’t be getting married this weekend.”

“How are we so bad at this?” I ask, turning a corner.

“You don’t think… this isn’t…”

I tighten my grip on the wheel, anticipation thrumming at my skin. “No, this isn’t a bad omen. It’s happening, Zoey, we’re getting married. We’re doing this for us.”

I hear her breath catch on an inhale, and then she exhales slowly. “You’re right,” she says. “We’re doing this.”

“I’ll get us sorted for everything. In the meantime, I just need you to focus on work for today. I’ll call you later, okay?”

“Okay.” I hear someone call her from a distance through the phone. “Harrison, I have to go—”

“Don’t worry about this. I’ve got it sorted.”

“Thank you. I’ll talk to you later.”

And then she hangs up. And I realise I have a lot to do today.

When I arrive at the office, it’s busy as usual. We recently moved into a new bigger shared corporate building that’s owned by Liam Taylor’s company and it’s been the best decision. Not only are we closer to the Wharf, but we’re also not struggling for space now. I offer my employees a 70-30 balance of working from home and office too. How they split that is up to them, but a lot of them like this new space.

The building is naturally airy and spacious, with plenty of open workspace and then quieter areas. Everyone has their own space but also the opportunity to be in the bustle or not. I have an office and conference rooms for client meetings, but I spend just as much time out here on the floor with the team.

“Good morning, sir.” My assistant, Wesley, pops out of his favourite spot on the floor just before I reach my corner office.

“What have I told you about the sir, Wes?” I arch a brow at him, and he smiles, offering me a to-go cup of coffee.

“Sorry, Harrison,” he says pointedly. “I got you a welcome back coffee.”

I take the coffee, smiling gratefully. “You didn’t have to, but I definitely need it.”

“Vegas was good?” he asks innocently.

“Vegas was great.”

Then it occurs to me that he might be able to help me with my workload today. “Hey, Wes?”

He looks back up at me. “Yeah?”

“Could I get you to run the meeting with the other interns today? You know the ropes, you know the agenda. I can give you all my notes and put Mary with you if that’ll make you more comfortable, but I could do with the assist.”

He pales slightly but nods his head. “You think I’m ready for that?”