Page 37 of All Of My Heart

“Frankly, I’m surprised you’re questioning yourself. You have as much to do with this group of interns as I do. You know their programme. I trust you.”

Wes loses all the nervousness and smiles widely. “Thank you, sir—uh, Harrison—that means a lot to me.”

I push the door to my office. “You deserve it, Wes.”

When I settle at my desk, I’m immediately flooded with fifty new emails from when I checked an hour ago. Some are HR related, so I forward them to Mary. Some are bugs that are being worked and most of them I’m only copied into, so I open another browser and Google ‘how to get married in the UK’.

It turns out that we do need to register. Maybe we should’ve just done it in Vegas. Damn.

I forward Zoey the page I’m reading and tell her I’ve made us an appointment for tomorrow so we can officially give notice for our wedding day.


“So, you’re telling me that the work done by the contractors was faulty?” I say, propping my iPad under my arm.

The guy, who has been fixing the mistake of the previous plumber nods, pushing back his floppy brown hair that has fallen into his eyes.

“Okay, so I’m not going to have this problem again, am I?”

“Not with my guys on the job.”

I nod and hope to hell I don’t have another issue in six months. Trying to figure out this with the insurance company has been testing. Well, for Sam and Lloyd, since they have been here dealing with it. The irony is the insurance is with Bancroft insurance. Yep, Max made me do it when I took this place over. And now, I hate him for it because not only is the insurance refusing to help with the situation, due to it being the contractor's fault. But I also can’t help but wonder why I’m paying for insurance when they don’t step in when I need help.

I refuse to ask my brothers or anyone else for help because that means conceding something to my parents somehow.

I take a deep breath and focus on the empty hallway in front of me. “This is fine. Everything will be sorted as soon as you can get your trust fund. It’ll even out,” I tell myself.

Sam’s head pops out into the hallway, making me jump. “Talking to yourself again? That’s the first sign of insanity, honey.”

“Jesus, Sam. Make more noise next time.” I place my hand over my racing heart and exhale. “Let’s be honest, I didn’t have much sanity to begin with. I mean, I hired you, after all.”

“Ouch. Someone didn’t take their sugar pills this morning. Seems you chose salty ones.”

“Sorry, I’m incredibly grateful for you two. You know that.”

“Yeah,” he laughs. “You’re also paying for our trip to America next year with all this overtime we’re doing. So, we love you too, boss.”

I don’t even want to think about the cost right now. My head is pounding. Moving towards his office door, we both head inside, where Lloyd is waiting with my favourite litter of kittens in his lap. My heart immediately leaps at the sight of these tiny four week old babies who were abandoned.

“There you are. Come here little one,” I say, holding out my hands to take the white kitten.

“She’s just had some milk, so don’t go throwing her around,” Lloyd warns, but I’m not listening. I take the beautiful white fluffball and cradle her into my neck, where she nuzzles into me like it’s her job. We’ve had to feed them by hand since they were abandoned at what we think was a few hours old, and this little runt has stolen my heart.

“She missed me,” I say, looking between Sam and Lloyd.

They both roll their eyes, but I don’t care. I’ve got my personal serotonin fix from this little fluffball on my shoulder. Everything is right with the world again.

My phone chimes with an email notification and when I pull it out, I see it’s from Harrison. There’s a link and a message telling me he’s booked an appointment at the Chelsea Old Town Hall for eleven tomorrow.

“Excuse me, missy. Why are you smiling at your phone like that?” Lloyd asks, whilst he feeds another.

I’m smiling? Huh. “I have somewhere I need to be tomorrow at eleven, that’s all.”

“Is that code for ‘I’m definitely going to bang my future fake husband and I won’t be in work’?” Lloyd asks, amusement lacing his voice.

“I wish I hadn’t told you… either of you,” I fire back before replying to Harrison and pocketing my phone. I’m not sure why I told them. They caught me in a moment of weakness, I think.

“So, you are going to bang him?” Sam asks, his eyebrow raising.