Page 17 of All Of My Heart


I let everyone go ahead for a second because I need a minute. It’s not the Vegas heat that’s making me sweat. It’s Harrison Clarke and his sex appeal he just flung my way. The man is quickly becoming my newest fantasy, and he doesn’t even realise it. Or maybe he does. I know it’s probably not a good idea to sleep with him, considering he’s connected to my brothers and, by proxy, my father’s company. Yeah, best to squash this fantasy and keep it in a box buried deep in my mind.

When I catch up with them, we’re on Freemont Street, which has the most amazing light show. Sparks of colour kaleidoscope over our heads, making us crane our necks to watch the explosion.

“This is trippy as fuck,” Aaron muses, spinning around, and I join him, loving the way the lights all blur together. It feels freeing and fun, which is exactly what I need. We both dissolve into a burst of shoulder bumps and laughter. When we right ourselves, Max and Owen are busy chatting and watching the show. Nate has moved ahead of us, but Harrison is watching me. Having his attention so intensely gives me goosebumps.

I shake them off though, throwing a wink his way while I try to ignore the effect he has on me.

We walk some more, taking in the giant palm trees, the bright casino lights, and the many street performers dressed up, all whilst the heat stifles us.

“How do people live here?” Aaron asks, moving his t-shirt away from his body.

“You mean the fucking burning ball of hot gas we’re currently on? Yeah, I have no idea.” Harrison laughs.

“I think I might be boiled alive. This was a terrible idea for location. We’re British and have no idea how to act in this hot weather. Look at those two losers buying handheld fans,” I say as we all look at my brothers and laugh.

Harrison turns to me. “You want a fan?”

“No,” I smirk. “I want two, didn’t you hear me? I’m fucking melting out here.”

His deep laughter permeates the air around me like a fog, and I’m smiling right back at him like an idiot as he walks towards Max and Owen to get me a fan or two.

There’s an easy atmosphere between us all, full of jokes and laughter. I didn’t realise how much I needed this, to switch off from daily life for a while and just be.

“Here you go.” Harrison appears in front of me again with a handheld fan blowing warm air at me. It’s not air conditioning, but it’ll have to do. He stands in front of me, blocking my view of my brothers, he presses a button I didn’t notice, and a fine mist of cool water blows towards me with the fan.

“Mmfghpifing,” I mumble, unable to form actual words from the relief of the heat for a second.

“Are you glitching?”

“I might be. God, that breeze is better than an orgasm,” I say, closing my eyes to bask.

“Hmm, seems you’ve not been getting the right kind of orgasms.” His voice is full of sinful promises that I don’t think are meant for me, but I want them to be.

“Guess I had better find someone to scratch that itch,” I tease, taking the fan and turning to join the others who have walked ahead, letting my hips sway just a little more than usual, hoping his eyes are firmly on my arse.

Chapter 9


Theboysallbegincomplaining they need beer to cool off. When we find the margarita truck just around the corner from Freemont Street, surrounded by Stormtroopers, cowboys and Iron Man. I don’t even blink at the group together because it’s Vegas. “You boys might need beer, but I need tequila and stat.”

I approach the colourful truck, complete with red sombreros, paper umbrellas, limes that smell like heaven, and a cheery bartender behind the counter. “Hey there, you want a margarita, sugar?” the lady coos, and I smile at her accent.

“I’ll take six please,” I say, bouncing up and down on my heels. Harrison appears next to me, his soft masculine scent complimenting the limes.

“This is your favourite drink?” he asks, examining the bottles of tequila behind the bar.

“It is. Tequila in general, but these are the perfect ‘hot day’ drink.”

I watch the women make the drinks in record time. Passing them over to the counter in front of us. “That’ll be eighty dollars, sugar.”

I turn to find Aaron. “Oh, sugar daddy,” I call, and he bounds over to me like an excited puppy. “Such a good boy,” I praise jokingly, just as Aaron leans in and pecks my cheek.

“Anything for you, baby,” he says, passing the money over and taking a plastic cup. As he leaves, Max taps the side of his head with a light slap. “What was that for? I get it, man, she’s off-limits. Fuck, can’t a guy have a little fun?”

I hide my smile behind my drink as I watch Harrison for his reaction, but he doesn’t give one, he just sips his margarita. “How’s the drink?”