Page 18 of All Of My Heart

“Good. Strong,” he answers, staring at Aaron with a scowl. A scowl that’s insanely hot on his perfect face.

I put on my best ‘Harrison voice’ and imitate him. “Man bad, drink good, girls pretty,” I mock playfully.

His big brown eyes zone in on me, amused. “Are you taking the piss out of me?”

He steps closer.

“Was I not clear in my impersonation? It might need some work.”

I step closer.

“Careful there, Zoey. You don’t want to find out what happens to bad girls.”

Oh, but I do.

I tilt my head, trying to suppress my smile. “I’m all bad. There really isn’t much good in me… bratty to the bone. What you gonna do about it?” I tease.

His eyes ignite with golden flames. I swear I hear a growl build in his chest as his nostrils flare. The way he slowly trails his tongue across his bottom lip has me clenching my thighs together.

“I’m going to—”

“Guys, let’s go,” Max shouts, interrupting us with a frown, stopping whatever Harrison was going to say. I want to ask him to finish his sentence, but it’s probably for the best that I didn’t hear whatever he was going to say. I think climbing him like a tree in the middle of downtown Vegas could probably still get me arrested. But would I care? Not really. I’m getting the impression that it’d be worth it.

An hour later, we’re buzzed. The heat and the tequila have successfully made everyone happy and loud. My parents used to hate it when we’d all be home for school holidays because I knew how to rile my brothers up the most. We’ve all got a little chaos inside us, more so Max and I, but even he’s subtle with it when he wants to be. Me? Not so much. I thrive off the thrill of doing things I shouldn’t. Like right now, I’m only one margarita in and feeling that chaos surging through my veins. Usually, when this happens, I go out dancing and find a random, willing body for the night. However, it’s still daytime, and I’m out with my brothers and his friends, so I should probably rein it in.

“Zo, look,” Owen shouts, pointing ahead of us at a Ferris wheel in the middle of Vegas because why the fuck not? “Remember when we were kids?”

I look up at the kind of chaos I’m not that interested in.

“Uh, I remember you trying to kill me on one of those things. Both of you fuckers, in fact. Rocking the car so badly, they had to stop the ride and tell you both to pack it in. I also remember Mum blaming me for being a bad influence.” I tut at Owen. “You little shits did all that to scare me.”

Max chuckles next to me, his green eyes twinkling. “We did.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “Which is why I’m not going on there with you again.”

“Oh, come on. We’re grown ups now,” Owen whines.

“Not how I’d describe either of you, actually.”

“Rude, sis.”

“Guess you’re over your fear of them, then?” Max replies, knowing that I hate fairground rides because of them.

But the thing is, I’m stubborn as all hell, and I will not let my brothers back me into a corner. I’ll have the last laugh, even if that laugh is hysteria-induced at the top of a Ferris wheel. I bite my bottom lip, ignoring the clawing heat at the base of my throat.

I spin to face the Ferris wheel, determination fuelling my steps as I stomp towards the ticket booth. “Two tickets, please.”

When he hands me the two paper stubs, I turn to see the boys all staring at me, so I seek out Harrison and smile.

“Come on roomie, we’re going for a ride.” I hold my hand out, hoping that he won’t mind me using him because, for some strange reason I can’t explain, I know he’ll calm me down up there.

His brows pinch slightly, and he tilts his head in question but walks towards me anyway.Thank God for that. Aaron would have just tried to get in my knickers, and Nate would’ve probably started crying at the top with me. And I refuse to do it with either of the buggers who gave me this irrational fear to begin with.

“Just so you know,” I say, looking at my brothers’ amused expressions. “I hate you both for this, but I will not let you win.”

With that, I pull Harrison’s big frame into the small car, which creaks, and I flinch at the shrill sound. “Jesus,” I mutter under my breath but steel my expression, not wanting to give in to my fear.

Harrison remains stoic next to me. His hands rest on his thighs, and he clears his throat as we slowly, painfully slowly, begin to move upwards.