Page 79 of All of My Lasts

He runs his index finger across my collarbone in excruciatingly slow strokes before he moves over my shirt and down to the waistband of my jeans. He undoes the buttons and slips his hand into my underwear as we climb the floors in the lift, my body temperature rising with every floor we climb. My breath hitches in my throat when he grazes my damp underwear.

“Hmm, this won’t do. I need more time.” He reaches behind me and slams his hand to the emergency stop button, and I gasp as he pushes me against the back wall. He lowers his hands back into my underwear, to find my slickness waiting for him, and dips his head into my neck, groaning like it is taking all of his self-control not to devour me right now.

I suck in a sharp breath as his fingers expertly circle my throbbing clit as my back hits the wall of the lift, his body covering mine.

“C’est le mien, oui?”This is mine, yes?He whispers and I let out an involuntary moan as my knees buckle below me. I have no idea what he said and I couldn’t care less right now, the words pushing me to crest the wave of my orgasm.

He pinches me once, thrusting inside of me, fucking me with his hand in the lift. God, this is so bad, but so fucking good.

“Liam, I’m coming. I’m… fuck.” I pant as he mumbles more sweet nothings in my ear in French. I tense and pull him closer before my legs buckle underneath me as I come hard against his fingers. “Fuck.”

I pull away from him to find him looking at me like I’m on fire and he’s the Firestarter. “I think that might be the easiest orgasm I’ve ever had,” I say, surprised at the newfound capabilities of the body I’ve lived in for twenty-six years.

He smirks. “I’ll take it. I’ve been waiting all day to do that.” He turns to release the emergency stop button and we ascend two more floors in glorious and somewhat damp bliss.

The doors open, and Liam grabs my hand, pulling me toward our room. Apparently, the effects of the orgasm induced haze are multiplied when someone gets you off in a lift.

“What did you say to me?” I say, a huge smile on my smitten face.

“When?” he asks, turning so I can see his face as he backs me against our door.

“In the lift, in French.”

I see that flame in his eyes again, and I know I’m going to love the answer.

“I said, this is mine.” He cups my pussy over my trousers. With the other, he turns the handle of our door and opens it. “Get in there.”

Well, fuck. Don’t mind if I do.

As I walk into the room, if you can even call it that, it’s more of an apartment, judging by the size, I gasp. The same colours from the foyer are echoed in the walls here too, except this room has the most exquisite gothic windows framing the entire space. I spin to face Liam, who has the biggest smile on his face. “Nothing but the best for my baby.” He sweeps me up in a kiss that is so full of emotion and something else, something that tells me what he can’t say. I pull away, searching his eyes, that are staring at me with the same softness.

“I feel like I’m in a dream.” I sigh as I cup his beautiful face. His eyes are sparkling down at me all the colours of amber with moss green fireworks bursting through his iris and in this moment, I feel everything. Our connection goes beyond physical, beyond emotional. It feels as though I exist for him. To be near him is my only purpose. The connection I feel between our souls is something I've read about in romance novels, and only now do I understand exactly what they mean. He dips his head to kiss me and my heart flutters.

“We have reservations in around an hour at my favourite place in Paris.” He says as he walks his case to the bedroom.

“You have a favourite restaurant in Paris?” I ask, following him.

“I have one favourite. My dad and I came here a few times last year on business and we found this place that is... incredible. So go, get changed, shower, do whatever, because we have somewhere to be soon.”

I smirk to myself, seeing an opportunity as I take off my t-shirt and throw it at him. He laughs and then his eyes darken and that look is exactly the response I wanted from him.

“Oops,” I shrug. “My clothes keep falling off.”

I slowly unbuckle my jeans and slip them off too, watching his gaze follow my fingers as they move down my legs. His throat bobs as he swallows. Need is emanating from him, slithering around his body like a creature ready to pounce.

He licks his lips and hums, sending lightning bolts through my skin.

I throw him a wink over my shoulder as I walk straight past him to the shower, where I strip out of my underwear, too.

He bites his whole fist and groans, looking up at the ceiling as if saying a silent prayer. “I can’t resist that arse, baby.” He follows me. Follow maybe isn’t quite the right word because he all but sprints towards me like a man starved. Luckily, I have just the thing to satisfy his hunger.

“Something you need, lover boy?” I ask innocently.

He tips his chin. “You,” he rasps.

He undresses at lightning speed as I turn the shower on, water splashing onto the floor echoes around us. I’m just as I’m about to step under the hot water when he grabs my hips and hoists me onto the sink. Dropping to his knees, he spreads my legs, and my body shivers in anticipation. I love this version of Liam. He is so gentle and sweet normally, but when he has this fire in his eyes, I think I’m learning that he needs to have control and I’m willing to submit.

“See something you like?” I wink.