Page 78 of All of My Lasts

I’m not sure how long I stay downstairs until I hear familiar footsteps padding towards me. I feel her before I see her.

“Hey, you.” She wraps her arms around my waist and kisses my neck as I sit at the breakfast bar.

“Hi, Scotty. Did you have a nice nap?” I turn so she is nestled between my legs.

“I did. Thank you for setting an alarm. I feel very relaxed.” She smiles a devious grin that makes me chuckle. “I’ll get you back though. You don’t get to win all the time.”

“I’m pretty sure you were the real winner on a count of the orgasms; plus, I like to keep my girl satisfied.” I kiss her soft lips as her arms wrap around my neck, pulling me closer. I lean into the kiss, letting go of the anxiety I felt earlier, just focussing on her and us for now.

“You all packed for Paris?”

“Mostly. I’ll add a few things after work. What time are we leaving tomorrow?”

“I was thinking… because I don’t have work today, I’d go home, pack and then come back here. It makes it easier to leave at 9 am for the airport if we’re in one place.”

“Okay.” She stares at me for a minute, studying my face, running her fingertips along my temples. I move a strand of her hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear, and she turns her head to kiss my palm. Such a simple gesture and yet I feel my heartbeat faster in my chest but what I can’t quite figure out if it’s beating for her or because of my fears of losing her again.



Wearriveattheairport in Paris without any setbacks. Liam spent the whole flight with his hands on my legs and at one point I thought he was going to get me on his lap when he tried to manhandle me, whispering about joining the mile high club. I pointed out it wouldn’t happen, not until he got his own private plane anyway, to which he replied, “challenge accepted.”

It’s an easy drive to our hotel, but when we pull into the grounds, nothing could quite prepare me for the beautiful building standing in front of us. The perfectly primed green lawn sprawls out like a blanket in front of the building that is as wide as it is tall. The cream stone is amplified by the beautiful detail in the carvings and gargoyles that sit watching on the top of each gothic peak. The windows are laced with gold and the door looks like the entrance to another world.

“Oh, my God. This is…” I can’t even finish my sentence because there are no words.

“Wait until you see inside.” Liam beams as he urges me through the arched doorway. I’m sure as soon as I step through I’ll be transported into the past where everyone is wearing huge ballgowns and corsets and men have coattails and swords hanging from their waist. Sadly, that doesn’t happen, but I’m far from disappointed when I’m greeted with the most beautiful array of creams and golds that complement the outside of the building.

The dark oak flooring sweeps silently across the grand foyer, accented by luxurious art that looks like it’s been painted directly onto the walls. Abstract strokes pick up the antique gothic vibes from the carvings outside, creating an elegance that takes my breath away.

“I… this is… beautiful.” I try to think of a better word to describe it, but I can’t. Everything comes up short, even beautiful doesn’t cover it, but it’s all I can say.

“I have seen far more beautiful things.”

My eyes snap to Liam to protest, but he is already staring at me. Not the beautiful, French gothic décor, but little old me. I can’t help the blush that stains my cheeks when he says things like that to me.

We walk over to the reception desk that sits modestly in front of beautiful, sheer white drapes and a single lamp lighting the area. The desk is surrounded by washes of cream, blush, terracotta, and brown that sweeps across the high ceilings and walls. I walk gingerly, wondering when I’ll wake up and realise that this really is all just a dream.

“Liam Taylor s’enregistre dans la suite de luxe.”Liam Taylor checking into the luxury suite.

Stick a fork in me, I am done. He speaks French? Fucking French?

Pinch me before I pass out.

He needs to stop unless he wants to be jumped right here right now.

He catches my eye and winks as I mouth,what the fuck?

The receptionist nods and speaks to Liam in fluent French and hecasuallynods along, laughing at something she says. I’m flabbergasted at the knowledge that he speaks French and I had no idea about it.

“À quelle heure le petit-déjeuner est-il servi?”What time is breakfast served?

Swoon. I don’t even care what he said; it sounded sexy. He could talk about politics in French, and it’ll be the most interesting thing I hear all day.

When we get into the lift, alone, I immediately put my body in front of Liam, and he looks at me deviously. “You okay there, baby?”

“No. You’ve made me all hot and bothered with your speaking French. I had no idea you could speak another language.” My arms flap dramatically at my sides.