Page 65 of All of My Lasts

“Oh, bloody hell, I’m sorry. I stole your seat. Here sit, please.” He gets up quickly and awkwardly and we both laugh as he grabs another chair from a neighbouring table to sit with us.

“So, Nora, I can see you have a drink now and don’t need me to buy you one…” The guy pauses, rubbing the back of his neck. “This is a long shot, but can I get your number? I owe you a drink now.” His boyish grin charms Nora and I can see the blush spreading across her cheeks.

“I guess I could give you my number.” Nora puts her hand out as a gesture for him to give her his phone. He obliges with a great big grin on his face as she types in her number.

He leans into whisper something to Nora, kisses her cheek and then leaves. My head spins to my best friend. “He was hot. You should have invited him to the club,” I tell her.

“No way. This is girls’ night. There is a code with girls’ night. Rule number one being no guys.” She winks, and we both laugh.

The club is heaving when we arrive, the buzz of the crowd competing with the music that dominates the atmosphere. It smells new and expensive, like leather and expensive champagne, as we walk towards the VIP area.

Windows run along the one side of the dancefloor, giving a perfect view of the River Thames. On the opposite side, there are leather booths and the entire place is decked out in navy and gold with white flower accents. The bar itself is lit up with warm, white lighting, showcasing the spirits available.

Dua Lipaplays through the sound system, and I scan over the dancefloor at the few hundred people moving their bodies to the beat as the bouncer at the VIP area lets us through to the upstairs.

“This place is awesome,” Nora shouts.

Zoey comes flying over, all platinum blonde hair and high heels. “You made it!” she squeals, throwing her arms around us. “Come, meet some people.” She drags us past couples dancing together, businessmen in designer suits and lots, and I mean lots, of women wearing a whole lot less than we are.

Thankfully, Zoey settles us into a booth in a quieter area, tucked in the corner with the perfect individual dancefloor in front of us.

“So, do you know the owner to get a VIP spot?” I ask.

“My brother owns it. He has this as a side business with a friend of his. Good to know people in high places.” She winks. She’s not wrong. There are a lot of people who look like they are dripping with money. For a second, I feel self-conscious but quickly brush it off when a waiter approaches us.

“What are we drinking, ladies?”

Nora and I look at each other, smile and both shout, “Tequila!” at the same time, throwing our hands in the air, making us all laugh. Zoey orders three shots and a bottle of champagne, and before we know it, we are sipping on chilled bubbles.

“So, Jess, spill. Tell me all about Liam.” Zoey remembers us being together in school, but she doesn’t know everything about what happened, so I keep it as current as I can.

“God, Liam… he’s so…” A delicious shiver racks my body whilst I think about him. “He’s all man, and we’re having a lot of fun together.” What I want to tell her is that he spent a whole twenty-four hours railing me into a headboard, wall, shower, sink, foot of the bed… but I keep those delicious memories just for me.

“I’m dead jealous,” Zoey pouts.

“Jealous? Zoey, you get more attention than Minnie Mouse at Disneyland. Girl, why are you jealous?” Nora asks incredulously.

“Because… it’s adorable. The whole love story of it all.”

Nora side eyes me, knowing I won’t want to dig up what happened. “They’re adorable.”

I smile a grateful smile at her, thanking her for having my back as always.

“Girls, the dancefloor is calling my name. If you don’t follow me then… well, I’m going regardless, but dancing with my girls is way more fun.” I stand stepping towards the dancefloor, only feet in front of us.

The floor is black with pink lights along the edge, giving the space a funky vibe. We pick a spot close to the windows. Zoey is ninety-nine per cent wild energy, so we both end up pulling out some cheesy dance moves, never taking ourselves too seriously, whilst Nora laughs at us both. After dancing and drinking for a few hours, I realise that this is the most fun I have had in a long time. I glance at my watch, and it is close to midnight. Nora catches my eye and looks at her feet and pouts. I nod my head and point to my feet too, both of us feeling the pain of our heels. We look over to find Zoey whispering to the tatted guy she has picked up just as he grabs her hips and pulls him into his broad chest. I think it’s safe to say Zoey has scored.

Nora laughs and shouts over the music, “One more for the road?”

“Hell yes!”

At the bar Nora orders our last tequila shot of the night, bringing the total to… well actually I can’t remember. Likely too many. When the spicy liquid slides down my throat, I wince.Definitely too many.“I should book an Uber,” I announce as Nora shivers away her tequila shot.

When I open my phone, Liam’s name pops up.

Liam:If you need a ride home, I have excellent Uber ratings and I only had one beer with dinner so I’m good to go.

I let out a laugh and show Nora Liam’s message and she whoops, fists in the air and all.