Page 64 of All of My Lasts

“True, you do have too many clothes. Let’s go find something. What time are we going to go out?”

I look at my watch, "We have an hour and a little bit to get ready."

She groans and mumbles something about not having enough time.

We head upstairs to my room, and Nora makes quick work of going through my wardrobe. She pulls out three options; one is a black, strappy, cowl neck dress with a low back, another is a sheer black dress which I would usually wear hotpants and a bra underneath. The last one is the one I think she will pick; a short, satin, baby blue, strappy dress with adjustable ruched sides. It will make her dark hair pop.

She tries on all three and looks incredible in all of them. I tell her the blue is the one, and she agrees. She picks out her strappy white heels to pair with it, and if she doesn’t get anyone’s attention tonight, I'll be very surprised. She looks insanely hot.

She then, in true Nora style, she picks my outfit for me. She's so bossy.

I don’t mind because I’m distracted by texts from Liam telling me he misses me already.

She throws a white dress at me and insists I wear that with a bright orange coloured cutch bag and shoes. The dress has long sleeves, a cut out underneath my boobs and another just above my hip bones and my body in all the right places.

“You ready? I’ll call us an Uber. Wait, what’s our first stop?” Nora asks whilst opening her phone.

“I’ll sort the Uber. Zoey texted me the address.” I pull out my phone and order one. When I lock my phone, I notice Nora staring at her reflection in the mirror, tugging the length of her dress down unsuccessfully. I slap her bum to get her attention. “Don’t overthink that dress. You look great,” I say as she shrieks. “Really, you look stunning. Let’s go, before you put on those awful granny slippers with the bows again.”

“Those slippers are comfortable, and you know you want a pair.”

I definitely don’t. In fact, I’m going to throw hers away because if there is one thing that would scare anyone off it’s those ragged slippers. Really, there have been nightmares about them.

We head downstairs to get a shot of tequila before we leave.

I pour us a shot each and Nora has sliced the lime. “Ready?” she nods and we both down the shots like the pros we are, sucking the limes after.


Just before our Uber arrives, we take some pictures together in our large mirror that hangs in our hallway. I decide to send them to Liam because we don’t look this good every day, and I like the thought of him getting bothered by them.

Nora looks over my shoulder and laughs at the caption on my text to Liam. I decided to go with ‘Girl’s night question -are these dresses too short?’.

Liam immediately replies,

Liam:Jesus, don’t do that to me. You both look stunning. Jessica Scott you better remember that you are mine and that hot as fuck body of yours should not be touched by anyone but me… and yes that dress is too short, and I’ll be punishing you for it later.

I’m grinning ear to ear with his possessiveness because I haven’t ever seen this side of Liam. I like it.

Jessica:Yes please, sir.

Liam:Noted. Enjoy your night x

An hour later and two delicious, fruity cocktails and Nora and I have put the world to rights.

The low thumping of the music is rising throughout the bar, making me check the time.

“Zoey says the club is open, but she’s going to be another twenty minutes,” I tell Nora. “We absolutely have time for another cocktail. I’m going to get them.” I wander over to the dimly lit bar, lean my arms on the hardwood and try to get the attention of the bartender.

I bring our drinks back to our table and find Nora talking with a man. He is handsome, younger than us, with black thick-rimmed glasses. I glance over at Nora and I think she is flirting, either that or she’s trying to do some sort of rain dance with her arms flailing around.

She's blushing and giggling and he is eating up her words. Well, this is adorable.

I reach our table and the guy she is with looks at me and says, “Oh we didn’t order anything yet; we were just talking about our favourite cocktails. Can you come back in like five minutes?” He looks at the cocktails in my hands and then at Nora, and she bursts out laughing.

My brows have met in confusion.I look like a waitress tonight?I glance around and notice that all the waitresses or shot girls are wearing white.The actual fuck?I hadn’t even noticed.

When Nora finally stops laughing, she says, “This is my best friend and sister, Jessica. We live together. She isn’t a waitress here.” She stifles another laugh, which gets me laughing too, and I watch as the guy turns an amusing shade of red.