“Maybe we can make a deal,” Richard said when it became obvious Nazyn wouldn’t open his mouth. “I’d love to get my hands on some of your devices. And give mine in exchange, of course. Everything done by the book, totally legal and transparent. What do you say?”


The smile froze on Richard’s face. He looked like someone who didn’t hear that word often. “Just…no?”


Richard shook his head. “Are you saying yes or no to the deal?”



“Company policy.”

“It’s against company policy to expand your business?”

“Yes, if that expansion means using Archam Tech’s tactics.”

The shadows in Richard’s gaze turned menacing. Now this, Nazyn found funny. The man was a a bit shorter than him and his muscles seemed no match for Nazyn’s. He admired courage, not lunacy.

“What are you implying?” Richard asked, even lower. He kept on his strained grin. To the witnesses around them, it probably looked like Nazyn and Richard were in on some joke.

“Deruzians don’t imply. We state. I refuse your offer.”

Richard’s laughter turned cruel. “That’s not the first time I’ve heard that.”

“Probably won’t be the last, either.”

“Those who have refused me have gone bankrupt.”

“Those that were your allies disappeared.”

Richard took a step back, the first smart thing he’d done this entire interaction, and looked Nazyn up and down. “You’ve done your research.”

Nazyn remained silent.

“So you know,” Richard whispered, grin growing. “That I can squash Alien Inc. like a bug. You have no brand here. Maybe you’re big shots on Deruzia, but here, on Earth, you’re nothing more than glorified mailmen with horns.”

Nazin tilted his head to the side, horns gleaming. “Then why are you so frightened of us?”

“I amnotfrightened.” Richard’s voice wavered, like a being who was definitely frightened. Those who had nothing to fear always remained calm. “I find itfunny. And, boy, am I going to be laughing when your company goes under.”

Nazyn had enough of this. He’d been as polite as Yakirian and the Deruzian elders had asked, but this was crossing a line.

He took a step toward Richard, who flinched and cowered back. But he still held his chin up, defiant.

“A word of caution,” Nazyn rumbled, keeping his voice just as low. People were already staring, no need to make more of this useless discussion. “Deruzians don’t take kindly to threats.”

“So what? You’re going to pummel me into the floor? For all these people to see? Show how big of a brute you are?”

Honestly, Nazyn was tempted. But that would only help Richard gain sympathy and hurt the Deruzian cause.

“No,” Nazyn said. “I am going to ignore you like the insignificant creature you are.”

And with that, he turned. He’d wasted enough time, and he had a speech to give.

The crowd was already turning after Nazyn, when he heard Richard hiss, “You’ll regret this.”