Deruzian didn’t like handshaking, but that was different. You saw the opponent, you were face to face, you both raised your hands.

This was disrespectful. On DeruziaandEarth.

Nazyn turned slowly, looming over the human who had dared. But said human seemed oblivious.

He recognized the perfectly-combed tuft of dark hair. This man had been the one to enthrall the crowd.

He must have been important.

“Nazyn A'Cryth,” the man said, a self-satisfied grin on his face. “I’ve been wondering when I’d bump into you.”

“If we would havebum-pedinto each other, you would not have been standing right now,” Nazyn said, completely devoid of emotion.

This man was unlike the others gathered at the Forum. His dark eyes held mischief, his grin was too self-assured. And he had his hands in his pockets. Nazyn disliked that on principle. If he were to be attacked, it took too long to grab a weapon. So either this man didn’t think he would be attacked, had someone else protect him or he preferred to run.

Nazyn didn’t like either of those options. He also didn’t like how those same stares were now directed at the two of them.

A sudden laugh erupted from the man, his dark, short beard bristling. “Right, you’re a big guy. Funny, too.”

Nazyn was not laughing.

“I’m Richard Dyson.” The man held out his hand. Nazyn shook it without any enthusiasm. “I’m the CEO of Archam Tech.”

Ah. Nazyn knew of his company, the biggest competitor Alien Inc. had on the human tech market. He did not agree with Archam Tech’s practices. Fantastic gadgets, but the data the company did make public didn’t add up.

“I have heard of you,” Nazyn said.

Richard leaned his head to the side, grin widening. “I am pretty well known. But I like my work to speak for me, you know?”

“I meant your company.”

“Ah.” Richard’s grin turned jagged. “I’m glad. We’re thinking of a bit of intergalactic expansion, like Alien Inc. did. That was really fantastic, by the way. With the portal. How did you manage that?”

Naztn clenched his jaw. Not this again.

“I cannot reveal that information at this moment,” Nazyn said the line Kiara had insisted he rehearse with a smile on his face; it apparently put humans at ease. He did not smile for Richard. “But I will give more details during my speech.”

Nazyn also did not hope Richard would join them.

“Right, the grand Deruzian speech. They let you have the prime spot today. And tomorrow, for the journalists. I wouldn’t miss either for the world. Speaking of worlds–” Richard drew closer to Nazyn. “I hear Alien Inc. wants to expand its tech business on Earth.”

Alarm signals instantly sounded in Nazyn’s mind. It wasn’t a secret–Alien Inc. had promised a grand reveal at the Forum, after all–but he did not like the edge in Richard’s tone.

“Yes,” was all Nazyn said.

“That’s great, it really is.” Richard’s grin was quickly morphing into a scowl he could not keep hidden. He kept his voice low enough for only Nazyn to hear. “Since you know about Archam Tech, you also know we’re the biggest player on the tech and gadget market. A pretty powerful rival.”

Nazyn clenched his jaw. Richard knew Alien Inc. wanted to enter said gadget market.Thathadn’t been disclosed to the Forum organizers. For all they knew, Deruzia could be presenting a mini-portal.

“Congratulations on your evolution,” Nazyn said. “Truly unbelievable.”

Because not one singular mind could come up with so many devices in four years. And all of Archam Tech’s devices had Richard’s name on them. Between the frequent interviews and events, when did he have the time?

Maybe Nazyn was envious the man could invent in his sleep, apparently. Or, most likely, Richard’s edged smile held more secrets than he liked anyone to know.

“Alien Inc. has had quite the evolution itself. I was just thinking how insane it’s going to be when we go head to head,” Richard went on. “But I don’t think we have to.”

Nazyn remained silent. He knew what was coming. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard this. The human shipping companies had tried this tactic first–and had failed.