Page 59 of Poems He Wrote

Toma settles into my lap and falls fast asleep, which means no more moving for me. I eat my breakfast, getting used to my new favorite chair, looking at the life outside of the window.

I feel…happy? Is this what happiness feels like?

It must be, I think out loud as I grab a hardcover copy ofDen of Vipersfrom the huge pile and, just like the night before, get lost in the words.


Love is A Bitch - Two Feet


I hate these stupid inventory checkup days.


Count again.

Shit, that wasn’t right, one more round of counting, and then once more, just to be sure. All I have in my head are jumbled numbers, anger towards said numbers and a need for strong coffee. Not that I already drank about a gallon of it in the last six hours.

Sky and Ice are helping me the best they can, whilst Mats is in the front, working with the customers. She wanted to close for the day, so we could do inventory in peace, but I was strongly against it. We can’t afford it.

The store is doing good, we are afloat, but barely.BLASTERSis the only music store in town, but it’s new. Not many people have heard about us, besides horny teenagers, trying to learn how to play the guitar so they could get some and the bands I let practice on their own instruments after hours. I need to do a better job with advertising and promoting this place.

Going through guitar picks once more, I can’t stop thinking about Ronan and if she liked the surprise. That’s actually why I was triple counting everything. My body is here, but my mind is right next to her.

I wanted to tell her I loved her. I tried last night, but she stopped me, just like I stopped her the night before, or I might be delusional and have completely misread the situation. I want her to know it and feel it deep in her bones when I say those two words for the first time. I’ve never said them before, besides to my family. I want her to know it, I want to feel no regret in the way I say them. That’s why I keep them stuffed deep down when we are having sex. What if she thinks I said it just because I’m pussy whipped?

I keep moving, counting, lifting, pushing, doing everything I can to speed this process up and get it over with. Ice and Sky step out for a bit to grab some snacks and more of that nectar of the Gods, aka coffee. My phone rings somewhere in the midst of the damned boxes. I lift my wrist up to answer through my watch, and see Jensen’s name on the screen.

“Hello, pain in the ass number two.”

“Hey, big brother dearest,” he chuckles. “How you doin’?”

I laugh at his use of Joey Tribbiani's voice and line. For some, to me, unknown reason, that guy stays Jensen’s forever favorite character.

“Well, you know what day it is, therefore you know what I’m doing.”

“Good, I hope I’m interrupting,” he says mockingly. “Because I offered my help, but you had to be a big bad boy and decline.”

“You are at school, Jensen, your last year. That should be your focus. I don’t want you skipping classes AND towns to help me in the store. Why did you call, what’s wrong?”

“How long has it been since dad kicked Christine out?”

“I don’t know exactly, a few weeks or so, why?”

“Why didn’t Tiana know?” he asks, sadness and anger painting his voice.

“What do you mean she didn’t know?”

“She didn’t. I just told her. She…is kinda angry you didn’t tell her first.”

“Dad called her, he called her right then and there. I mean, he stepped out of the room, but I know he called her.”

I know he did. He called both of them to let them know, whilst Ronan sent some photos of us to her dad. What the fuck?

“He lied to her, Noah. He told her everything was fine. He told her that he knows about you and Ronan, and how he supports what y’all have. He even said that Christine likes it too.”