My body is definitely down with the idea of being fucked by all three of them, but that can’t happen until I’ve hunted down the last two wayward assholes.
This time, when I pull away from Cooper, he lets me go. Austin offers me a hand, lifting me to my feet. Cooper and Fox quickly follow suit, Cooper tucking his cock away.
“This is something I definitely want to hear more about, but it’s going to have to wait.” I straighten my dress, leaning down to yank the knife from Cary’s eye and grabbing the daggers from the floor. Straightening up once more, I tuck the bloodied weapons into their holsters before turning my attention back to the men staring back at me with hunger in their eyes and hard cocks pressing against their pants. “That’s two down, but I still have two more to kill. But as soon as they’re dead, we will be continuing this conversation. And by conversation, I mean the three of you are going to fuck me in the blood of my enemies.”
All three of them blink at me, their disbelief and shock written all over their faces. I laugh as I take off through one of the entrances and hurry along the maze. If Howard or William were anywhere near the center of the maze, they’ll be long gone by now. Between the fucking and the screams of pain, they would have to have known where I was.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” I call out, nodding my head along with the new song blaring from the speakers—“Hide and Seek” by Klergy and Mindy Jones. I let the beat overtake me, the words spurring me along. Now that I have something to look forward to after these kills, I don’t care about prolonging them. I just want them dead and bleeding out.
It takes a few minutes for me to catch sight of one of them and then it’s on. I don’t bother keeping quiet as I tear off after them, realizing after a moment that it’s William again. Good.
“Fuck,” William curses as I follow him around a corner, laughing when I realize he’s hit a dead end.
“Sucks to suck, doesn’t it, Billy boy?” I laugh, loving the way he shivers at the manic sound. “I hope you’ve said your prayers, or whatever you believe in, because this is the end of the line for you.”
I grab both daggers from the holsters as I sprint toward him. He doesn’t even bother to fight back, falling to his knees instead. If he thinks this will stop me, he’s sadly mistaken. I skid to a stop, letting my momentum push me into him. One dagger sinks into his chest, and I lift the other to slice across his throat.
Within minutes, he’s dead on the floor. Three down and only one to go.
Of all of them, Howard had been the one who’d already given up his hope. At least until I told them about the exit. When I’d lied and said if they made it there, then I’d let them go. As if that was ever going to happen. He’d perked up at that tidbit, and I know that’s where he’s headed now.
Unlike the others in the maze, I know every part of it. I could walk through it blindfolded and make it to the other side.
Leaving William’s body where it is, I dart down hallway after hallway, heading straight for the exit. When I step out of the maze, my eyes find the door. I scan the area but don’t find Howard.
Something tells me he isn’t far away, though, so I push back into the shadows and wait for him to appear. There are two exits from the maze to this hallway leading to the door—the one I came through and one closer to the middle. I’m not sure which one he’ll step out of, but I know he’ll be here soon. Then I can end this.
Luckily, I don’t have to wait long. Howard’s head peeks around the corner halfway down the hallway. He can’t see me where I stand, so he lets out a relieved sigh before stepping out and moving toward the door. I don’t bother moving yet, watching as he gets closer and closer to the door, glancing over his shoulder from time to time.
Howard’s hand lands on the doorknob, his shoulder rising as he takes a deep breath before attempting to turn the knob—only it doesn’t budge.
“Did you really think I’d make it that easy, Howard?” I ask with a laugh.
He spins on his heel, pushing his back to the door as he stares at me with wide eyes. “But you said—“
“Yes, I did say I’d let you go if you managed to exit the maze, but you haven’t. You didn’t make it through the door.”
“But it’s locked!” His hands flatten on the door before he lifts them and slams them back down. He does this over and over again, panic rising in him.
I laugh again. “No one is going to open the door for you, Howard. They’ll only open the door for me. I’m sorry if you weren’t expecting a locked door, but I never said I’d make it easier for you.”
“You were never going to let us go, were you?” He seems to shrink into himself as I stalk closer.
I shake my head. “No. There is only one way out of this for you and the other assholes—with my blades slicing you open and a ticket straight to hell for all of you. I’ve already taken care of the other three, and now it’s your turn. I’m not going to lie, Howard. I’m so ready for this to be over. I’m ready for the weight of this to be gone. With just one more death, I’ll finally be able to move on with my life.”
He raises his eyebrows. “Will you? Or will you still have the same nightmares for the rest of your life? After we’re all dead and gone, you’ll never be able to forget us. You’ll always be looking over your shoulder, waiting for it to happen again—even if it’s not from the four of us. You’ve seen what the world is really like now, and you’ll never be able to forget it. So, go ahead and kill me, but you’ll never be done with this—with us.”
“And that’s where you’re wrong, asshole.”
I freeze at the sound of Fox’s voice. Turning my head, I find him, Austin, and Cooper walking up behind me. I hadn’t even heard them approach, which is only a little disturbing.
“She won’t think about the four of you except to revel in her success at killing you. And if she has nightmares, we’ll be there for her, reminding her she’s not that girl anymore. That no one but the three of us can touch her. She’ll never feel unsafe again.” All I can do is blink at Cooper as he comes to a stop beside me. He doesn’t glance at me, keeping his eyes on Howard. “But she’ll definitely be killing you.”
“Our girl can take care of herself,” Austin says, his hand coming down on my shoulder and squeezing lightly. “But if she needs help, we’ll be right there by her side as she takes down those of you who have corrupted the system. You’re not the first, and I highly doubt you’ll be the last.”
I turn to stare up at Austin. How does he know that? Is he just guessing that this isn’t something I’m going to be able to give up, even after these nightmares are dead? He gives me a soft smile before nudging me toward Howard.
“End this, Sage. Take back your life.” Fox’s words bring a smile to my face as I raise my daggers. I stalk toward my prey, knowing Fox’s words are right. It’s time to end this—here and now, once and for all.