I launch myself at Howard, and he tries to fight me off, but it’s too late. My blades dig into his skin, drawing blood over and over again as I swipe at any part of him I can. Eventually, he stops fighting me, but I keep slicing him open again and again. I love the way his blood smears across my skin, mixing with Lawrence’s and William’s.
“Okay, angel, it’s time to stop.”
I swing my dagger backward when something touches my shoulder, a growl tearing itself from my throat. I hesitate when I see Fox standing there, pulling back on the swing of my arm so the blade just grazes across his arm. It cuts through the tux he’s wearing, but I don’t immediately see blood, making me feel better.
“I’m sorry, Fox,” I say, jumping to my feet. “I guess I was in the zone.”
Fox laughs. “Oh, I could tell. We’ve been calling your name since he died, but you didn’t seem to want to stop. It’s like you couldn’t hear us.”
“I couldn’t. I was lost to my bloodlust.” I wrinkle my nose, letting the daggers fall to the ground. “I’ll go get them to open the door—“
“Run, little one,” Austin’s voice is even deeper than usual, tension threading through them.
“I’m sorry, what?” I glance at him and Cooper, eyes widening.
Fox leans closer, nipping at my earlobe. “He told you to run. You’ve had your hunt for the night. Now it’s our turn.”
He slaps my ass when I don’t move, and that’s all I need to send me running. I tear down the hallway, ducking around corners and full-out running down straightaways. My heart is beating so hard, I’m afraid it’s going to beat right out of my chest. My cunt is dripping, and I’m torn between the two sensations.
On the one hand, I want them to catch me so they can fuck me into the ground. On the other hand, I don’t want them to win. I’ve always had a competitive nature, and it’s currently at war with my need to fuck the three men I’ve never been able to stop loving.
I’m nearing the center of the maze now, and I pause to consider my options. I know if I head into the center, they’re going to find me and fuck me. But if I dodge further into the maze, then theymightcatch me—but I also just might win.
Decisions, decisions.
But that momentary hesitation decides my fate.
Two strong arms wrap around me from behind and lift me into the air, a squeal falling from my lips. With the way they’re holding me, I can’t tell who it is. They step forward, pushing out into the center. My eyes fall to where Fox and Cooper lean against the table in the center, letting me know that it’s Austin who’s carting me toward them.
“It seems like you caught yourself a rabbit,” Cooper calls and I feel, more than hear, Austin’s chuckle.
“I did. I thought we might all like to celebrate my spoils of war.”
“That’s a very good call, my friend.” Cooper’s grin turns salacious as his eyes run up and down my body. “And what a spoil it is.”
Cooper meets us halfway, his hand moving to my thigh holster and pulling out the throwing knife. “This time, you’re getting naked, princess.”
Austin sets me on my feet as Cooper grasps the front of my dress, cutting into the material like a barbarian. I gasp at the cold of the blade brushing against my sternum.
“You know, you could have just taken the dress off of me like a normal person.”
Cooper smirks at that, Fox moving to stand beside him. Fox licks his lips as Cooper finishes the cut, the remnants of the dress falling to the floor.
“Nah, angel. There’s nothing normal about any of us. Plus, the dress is already ruined. Cooper is just making sure it’s easier to get rid of.”
I laugh because he’s not wrong. It’s not like I would have worn the dress again. There’s no dry cleaning service that’s that good. I shiver when Austin steps away from my back and comes to stand on Cooper’s other side. I shiver beneath their gazes as their eyes eat up my bare, blood-covered body.
Reaching up, I run my hands through my hair and arch my back, jutting my tits out so they’re on display. “Are you just going to stare, or are you going to fuck me?”
Cooper growls, but none of them move as I expected them to. “You’re not in charge anymore, Sage. The three of us are going to do whatever we want to your body, and you’re going to take it.”
Why does that turn me on so much? I’m definitely fucked in the head because that’s exactly what happened to me ten years ago when those monsters held me captive. But I can’t deny the way my thighs clench or how wet my pussy is at his words. I’ve killed my monsters, and maybe that’s allowing me the freedom to enjoy something I thought would trigger me.
My knees feel weak at that realization, and instead of fighting it, I kneel before them. I spread my legs, letting them see how wet I am for them. I lean back on my hands, once more putting my tits on display. “Do with me what you will, then.”
The three of them fall on me like ravenous wolves, mouths and hands everywhere.
Fox kisses me, tilting my head back so I can’t see whose head is buried between my thighs. I gasp into the kiss at the first brush of a tongue against my clit, and Fox bites down on my bottom lip. I hiss at the momentary pain, but it quickly turns into a moan. My eyes fall shut as I allow them to move me around however they want.