Page 16 of Season of Wrath

Mom raised me by herself after Daddy died. Surely, I’m strong enough to do the same. And as soon as I think of my mom, of the deep love and friendship we have, I know that I want this child. Because I want to have that connection with my own baby.Especiallyif I’m going to have to find my way in this world without my mom.

“Yes,” I whisper. “I want to keep it.”

Zoe gives me a soft smile, her eyes seeming to grasp the tumult of emotions roiling inside me. Then her sharp brows press into a delicate frown.

“What about your baby daddy?”

My heart skips a beat as she brings up a very valid point. I hadn’t even considered Maks when I was panicking over what to do about the baby. Of course, I should tell the father of my child that I intend to keep it. He could be a part of the baby’s life or not, as is his right.

But I don’t have the first clue of how I might get in touch with him.

“Have you seen him at Lady Venus lately?” I ask, chewing my lip.

“Honestly, I didn’t get a good look at him that night, but from how you’ve described him, I don’t think so. Definitely no sexy Russians going by the name of Maks. But of course, Howie insists we only call the customers by their last names.”

“I can’t remember it,” I confess. “It was definitely Russian.”

“Smirnoff? Romanov?” Zoe suggests.

“I don’t think that’s going to help,” I chide. Maybe I would recognize it. But I only used it once or twice, and all I can hear in my mind is Maks telling me in his low, sexy accent to call him by his first name.

“Well, maybe it’s for the best. He wanted a one-night stand, so how reliable would he be as a father, anyway? Right?”

“True,” I agree.

Still, it bothers me to think he’ll have a child he will never know about. And that child will never know their father. All I can do from here is my best to love this child enough for two parents.

While it terrifies me to think that I’m going to be a single mother, at least Maks left me with a considerable cushion that will ensure our baby gets a good start in life while I establish my career.



Four Years Later

“Gentlemen, thank you for agreeing to meet with me today,” Frank Thompson says as he welcomes us into the luxurious conference room of the Bay View Hotel.

He stands to shake each of our hands in turn as I enter the room first followed by my younger brother, Dimitri, and our youngest brother, Alexei. The three of us own the company known as Federov Brothers Investments together, a lucrative business acquisitions venture my father passed down to us when he died.

It also makes the perfect front to the shadier Bratva business I inherited after my old man was murdered in cold blood. That world, too, my brothers share in, each of us handling our own specialties. But it falls to me to be the head of the family, thepakhan, and as such, I bear the weight of ensuring our clan thrives. Good, bad, and hard, ugly truths that entails.

“I assume this means you’ve had enough time to consider our offer?” I ask, keeping my tone professional as we settle into the seats across from Frank and his lawyers.

The bodyguards Alexei now insists we tote everywhere, due to Aleksandr Volkov’s increasingly reckless behavior, take up silent sentinel behind us. And while their constant presence normally drives me crazy, I don’t mind them now, as they offer an extra level of intimidation to push this offer through.

Dimitri and I agree, the Bay View Hotel is a jewel we need to acquire, whether Frank considers it on the market or not.

“Ah, yes. That’s obviously why I requested this meeting today.” His eyes dart between me, Dimitri, and Alexei before flicking to the solid wall of muscle standing behind us. “But I hadn’t meant to disrupt your business as usual. I simply wanted to convey a message.”

I can tell what direction this message is going to take based on the sweat beading on Frank’s brow. But I keep my calm. Strong-arming the hotel owner into a deal is often better done with flattery and incentives than actual brute force.

“Nonsense. We couldn’t leave such a momentous occasion to receiving the news by messenger,” I schmooze, adding a hint of charm to the intimidation technique. “We look forward to doing business with you and feel it’s only right to demonstrate that by respecting your time with our presence.”

Frank shares a glance with the lawyer to his right, who shifts nervously in his seat.

“About that,” the lawyer says, clearing his throat. “Mr. Thompson has received a better offer from another interested party.”

“Did you, now?” Dimitri asks, one eyebrow creeping higher on his forehead. “Let me guess. By one Aleksandr Volkov?”