Page 17 of Season of Wrath

The bastard’s been sniping our intended acquisitions for years now, moving in on our territory like the slick git he is. And after his disgusting show of force four years ago in which he shot up our family yacht, took out multiple members of the ballet troupe on board at the time, and murdered my fiancée, we’ve been in nothing short of all-out war.

“Ah, the gentleman requested that we keep his identity under wraps until negotiations are final.” Frank dabs his forehead nervously, his eyes darting between me and my brothers without ever fully making eye contact.

“I’m sure he did,” Dimitri sneers.

I shoot him a warning glance, knowing full-well my brother’s temper can get the better of him if he doesn’t keep it under tight wraps.

“And how much is this better offer you’ve received?” I ask, resting my elbows on the conference table and interlacing my fingers.

“I’m sorry, but we can’t release that infor—”

“You’re not even going to let us make a counteroffer?” I ask in mock surprise.

The lawyer cuts short glances in Frank’s direction, and the hotel owner swallows as he considers his options.

“A hundred and twenty million,” Frank blurts without consulting his lawyers.

I give a cold smile, silently acknowledging the man’s weakness that could afford us the opportunity to fight back. His greed made this acquisition possible in the first place. As long as we can outmaneuver Aleksandr in negotiations, the Bay View will be ours.

“We can offer you a hundred and fifty million,” I state, making an executive decision, though I know I will have my brothers’ support if it means crushing Aleksandr. “And trust me, you would much rather do business with us.”

“Is that a fact?” Frank says as if to play his hand close to his chest while he considers our offer. But he won’t refuse a sum that large, no matter what agreement he might have made with Aleksandr.

“If your other offer is from Aleksandr Volkov, then I can assure you he is a crook who wouldn’t hesitate to swindle you as soon as the contract is drawn up. But our family has been doing business in the Bay area for generations now, and I guarantee you won’t regret selling to us.” Rising from my seat, I offer my hand, adding silent pressure for him to make a fast decision before the offer walks out the door.

Coming to a stand, Frank gives my hand a hearty shake. “I never should have doubted it. Thanks for making the trip across town to get this venture back on track.”

“We’ll start drawing up a contract and be in touch,” I state with a curt nod.

He shakes my brothers’ hands as well, and we depart in a calm procession, leaving Frank’s lawyers to hash out how they are going to handle his rash decisions mid-meeting.

I suspect Aleksandr must be applying his own form of pressure, and the legal system can only help a man so much when he’s trapped between two Bratvas in a tug-of-war. I wonder if Frank’s lawyers know how deep in their client is just yet.

We’re silent until we reach the armored Escalade Alexei has hired to drive us to and from our meetings around town. As soon as the door closes behind the last of our guards, my temper spikes.

“I want him dead. Yesterday. You keep telling me we’re getting closer to finding a way through Aleksandr’s defenses, and then more time passes. Why is he not dead yet?” I demand, leveling my frustration fully on my youngest brother.

Alexei scowls and runs a hand through his close-cut dark hair that’s just starting to show its first strands of silver. “I want him dead just as much as you do. But unless you want to resort to aScarface-type shootout and get all our asses thrown in jail, you’ll have to be patient.”

“I’ve been patient for four fucking years. How much longer is this going to take?”

“Lay off, Maksim,” Dimitri cuts in, for once, the cool head in the car. “You might have lost more than the rest of us, but we all have our own reasons for wanting Aleksandr Volkov dead.”

“I’m sick of picking off his underlings and pretending like we’re making a difference. Meanwhile, we’re cowering behind living, breathing shields. I can’t take a dump without having them within breathing distance.”

I know I’m being difficult, but I’m beyond irritated about Aleksandr’s tactics. He’s a leech, a parasite trying to take over the business my father, my brothers, and I have built from the ground up. And to top it off, he stole my future from me, the one thing I chose for myself—a woman I wanted to marry.

On the other hand, Alexei—who has always excelled at security tactics and getting in the minds of our enemies—has taken this whole bodyguard plan to an obsessive level. I get the need for increasing our protection with the escalating violence between our two Bratvas. But the lack of space is driving me crazy. I just want this war to be over. And to end it, we need Aleksandr Volkov dead.

The car pulls up outside our office building, and as we pile out, I stop to look up at the towering skyscraper.

“You coming up?” Dimitri asks, pausing to look back at me.

Alexei stops as well, both watching me expectantly. Typically, I’m the first one in the office and the last to go home. While my brothers are busy making and enjoying a home with their wives and growing families, work has been my obsession since Symphony died.

But after the day’s turn of events, I’m in a bad mood, and I need to unwind.

Glancing down at my watch, I check to make sure it wouldn’t make me too much of a degenerate to hit the bar at this time. It’s after four. Good enough.