Page 69 of Countdown

“I’m not. I’m just the messenger.”

“Oh. Sorry. What’s the message?”

“Your man is trying to get in touch with you. Says he’s ready to go.”

“My ma—? Never mind. Thank you. I’m ready to head back down to the ER.”


Vince didn’t like having Raina out of his sight but had to trust the security officer would keep an eye her. His thoughts went to his truck? He needed a plan to get it from the lake house. Someone had brought Raina’s stuff to her, but he’d had the keys in his waterproof zip-up pocket along with his and Raina’s phones, and he and Raina had ridden to the hospital in the ambulance. He checked the app on his phone, and it told him his truck was in the hospital parking lot. “Huh.”

He’d worry about how it got there later. Right now, he just wanted the queasy feeling to go away. And he still needed tocall John Tate back, but that was going to have to wait until he could talk to the man without puking. He closed his eyes, wishing he could work up the energy to go after Raina, but Lenny had texted to assure him that he had her in his sights. Two minutes later, knuckles rapped on the door.

“Come in.”

Clay Fox stepped inside. “Hey there. I hear someone mistook you and Raina for targets. You two okay?”

“We’re fine. You didn’t have to drive all the way over here.”

“Penny called and told me what was going on and that your truck was still at the scene. Figured since I had your only spare key, I’d put it to good use. Julianna was with me and we picked it up.” He dropped a bag on the bed next to Vince. “Thought you could use a dry change of clothes too. Unless you prefer the hospital gown.”

“Always the comedian. Thanks, man.”

“Welcome.” Clay leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. “Anything else we can do for you?”

“No, I’m just waiting on—”

Two knocks cut him off. “Come in.”

Raina swept inside. “I hear you’re ready to go. Hey, Clay.”

“Hey, Raina.”

Vince noted that while he didn’t feel great, he wasn’t going to hurl anytime soon. Improvement.

Raina handed him a bottle of ginger ale. “Thought you could use that.”

“Yeah. Thanks.” He studied her, trying to read beyond the surface. “How’d it go?”

“Weird. I’ll explain later. I’ve got to take a little trip to Colorado.”

Vince blinked. “Huh?”

“What?” Clay raised a brow.

“I’m going to see if Penny can fly me. If not, then I’ll just catch a commercial flight.”

“Um...” Vince really needed to find his tongue. “Why?” Good enough.

“Because I figured out how to catch Kevin.”

“And he’s going to be in Colorado?” His brain was kicking in.

“Yes. At some fundraiser thing for the Children’s Hospital. There’s no way Michael Harrison won’t be there. He may have protection around him—and that’s good, but also bad, because Kevin will know exactly where he is and how to find him. And I feel sure Kevin will show up.” She hesitated. “Okay, I know to you guys it probably seems like a long shot, but I’m still going. Somehow.”

“When is the benefit?”

“Two days from now, but they’re practicing tomorrow, so I’m sure Michael is already there. Or soon will be.”