Page 70 of Countdown

“I can call my buddy and see what the family’s status is,” Vince said. “Don’t go anywhere until I find out, okay?”

She hesitated. “I won’t leave without talking to you first. Did you call John Tate back?”

“Not yet.” Vince stood and waited to see if another wave of nausea was going to take him down. After a few hairy seconds and several swallows, he kept everything where it belonged and nodded. “All right, I’m going with you.”

“I figured you’d say that, but you need to stay here and rest—”

“That’s really not an option. Think about it. What would you do if the situation was reversed? Would you seriously let me go off on my own?”

She bit her lip, started to say something, glanced at Clay, who still had that annoying brow up toward his hairline. She snapped her lips closed. Finally, she sighed. “No, of course not.”

“Then you’ll spare me the energy of arguing with you?”

Her own brows rose, but she gave a short nod. “Fine. I’m going to grab some stuff out of my locker and find Penny whileI’m there. I’ll let you know what the plan is and the time of departure—or if we need to get tickets.”

“O—kay.” He finished the word while watching her sweep back out the door.

His gaze landed on Lenny and the man saluted him. “Right behind her.”

“You deserve a raise.”

“I sure do.”

And then Lenny was gone too.

Vince blew out a breath, lay back on the bed with a relieved groan, and snagged his phone.

“You’re looking really rough, my friend,” Clay said. “Are you sure this is a wise decision?”

“If it was Julianna, what would you do?”

“I see your point. Okay, what can I do to help you?”

“Catch me if I pass out mid-call.” He dialed John Tate’s number and let it ring until it went to voice mail. He left a message for the man to call him back and sighed. “Great.”



Raina ignored Lenny’s heavy steps behind her and raced to base, where Penny was lying on the couch, fingers flying over the screen of her phone. Probably texting Holt. “Hey.”

Penny looked up. “Hey, what are you doing here?”

“You’re off tomorrow and the next day, right?”

“Yes. Why?”

“I need a favor. And it’s a doozy of one.”

Penny set her phone aside. “Okay. What can I do?”

“Fly me—and Vince—to Frisco, Colorado. In your chopper. The one you built, not the hospital one, of course.”

Her friend’s eyes widened. “Uh ... what?”

“Or Denver. Whatever is easier. Frisco would be better because it’s closer to Copper Mountain where the event is, but—”
