Page 84 of Forbidden Wish

“I’m in, but we’ll scrap at the other side of this.”

“I know. We’ll deal with it.”

“Always do.”

Waving an arm between them, she reminded them they weren’t alone. “Hello? If anyone’s going in, it’s me.”

“If anyone’s going in anywhere…” The masculine voice drew their attention to the bedroom door. Jagg. God, it felt like a lifetime since she’d seen him. “It’s me.” He closed the gap between him and their group. “The Top Room, that’s what you’re talking about, Sersha. Usually just called ‘The Top.’ No one gets in there without a personal invite.”

“You think you’ll get one?” Sersha asked. “You’ve been out of the game for a long time. Don’t think anyone would believe a guy like you would pay for sex… unless you want to pay for something on the edge of a hard limit.”

“Could be the way to put eyes on the girls.”

“No, it’s too risky,” she said, desperate to hold his hand, to touch him, to persuade him not to step into the line of fire. “What if he’s in there and they ask him to prove himself? To hurt someone or… perform. He’ll be stuck in a Manzani building crawling with thugs who’d love to go up against Jagger Dunn.”

“I’d be more afraid of the guns than the fists,” Sersha said, “if it was me.”

“I don’t have to be afraid of anything. I’ll tell him I want a conversation, away from the house. That place gives me nightmares.”

Sersha and Strat enjoyed the tease. Shame she couldn’t be so casual.

“You’ll still be stuck in a room with Silvio Manzani. Crazed lunatic gangster Manzani.”

“Silvio doesn’t do his own dirty work,” her father said. “Not this kind anyway.”

“Yeah,” Sersha agreed. “He’s more of a voyeur than a doer.”

“Why would he even agree to meet? It doesn’t—”

“You’ll tell him you’ll fight for him,” Strat said. “Are you in shape?”

“No! Oh my God, that’s literally going looking for a fight. No, you can’t do it. He can’t do it.”

“How do you like it when your family baby you?” Jagg asked. “My choices are mine.” Damnit, did he have to go there? “I can handle this. I’ve been dancing with guys like Manzani my whole life.”

“I can handle running away from a fight. Protecting myself. You walking in there for—”

“It’s a distraction.” His attention went to Strat and Sersha. “While I’m in there talking, keeping him busy, someone needs to be inside checking things out. He won’t produce the women at a first meet, and he sure won’t let me walk out the door with anyone.”

“Especially not if he’s being paid good money for her.”

“You could get lost on the way out,” Sersha said.

“And just start opening doors?”

“No cameras on Silvio’s floor, not if his paranoia continues there like it does everywhere else.”

“But he will have security. Besides, no one would believe me getting lost. I spent too much time there back in the day.”

“When you were Silvio’s prize fighter,” Strat said. “Drove Vex crazy.”

“What floor is it on?” she heard herself asking, almost unable to believe she’d ever agree to the madness.

“The Top? Ten.”

“Not the top floor?” Sersha asked.

Jagg shook his head. “Too obvious. Easier to sneak off the tenth.”