“So he’s, what? Working on his own?”
“One thing Silvio hates about Swerve is his lack of control over him.”
“Is that because…?” she asked, reluctant to reveal what Jagg told her about Silvio’s kink in case others didn’t know. “Is he…?”
“I think so, though I’ve never seen hard evidence.”
Sersha got it right away. At least, she thought the beauty did. What evidence would there be? A birth certificate could be doctored or faked. Hell, so could a DNA test with the right access.
“What did you mean by the top? Where’s the top?”
“Rumor is, again, it’s not somewhere I’ve visited, but the rumor is Silvio has a space he uses for anything he won’t do at the house or the mansion. And it’s rumored that’s where he auditions his willing… you know.”
“What?” Nope. No idea. “His willing what?”
“The willing dolls,” Strat said.
“What he calls willing anyway. Desperate and destitute is not the same as enthusiastic. I can’t even—never mind. Okay. So if there’s a place Silvio uses for the less savory aspects of his lifestyle—”
“Are there savory ones?” she asked.
Sersha smiled. “With Silvio? Doubtful.”
“His dolls?”
“Forget that. This private space has a viewing screen. A projector and widescreen, life size—”
“Just what you’d want to immerse yourself in the experience.”
“Isn’t he selling the movies?”
“Movies like that… with the torture, they go to high-end clients. No way he lets any joe-schmo off the street pay twenty bucks for a ride. If they’re high-end clients—”
“They’re blackmailable clients!” She gasped. “He keeps copies!”
“Of course he does.”
“Shit.” Turning his back, her dad went a few steps. “That’s evidence.”
“Evidence Imogen can use.”
“The cops can use.”
“We’ll never be allowed to just waltz in there.” Her father was back with them. “Where is it?”
“I think it’s in the Carlyle,” Sersha said. “Always have. I’ve just never been that deep in there.”
“Why would you be? Only hookers and johns go deep there.”
Hopefully, no pun intended.
Back and forth, her dad and Sersha focused on each other.
“And Silvio’s guys.” Sersha edged closer to Strat. “Putting my hunch together with what Imogen said about the locations of the bodies. The Carlyle is worth a look.”
“Do you want me to play the other side?” Strat asked.
“You wanted me at Hustle.”