His gruff laugh accepted that challenge. “No one comes between me and my woman.”
“Between you and getting off.” Smiling, her tongue touched his lip. “I’ll protect you. It’s nice and safe inside me.”
And if her brother walked in, God help him not them. Witnessing the act would not be as fun as participating in it.
Their mouths and hands knew what they wanted. Their bodies called to each other. Maybe they always had because this didn’t feel new. Rather, it had the excitement of novelty while at the same time enveloping them in a comfort that came with security.
Jagger Dunn. All her life she’d been looking, no other relationship fit, and he’d been right in front of her the whole damn time.
“Yes,” she exhaled in bliss when their mouths parted, not because they lost contact, but because their union was about to become a whole helluva lot more intimate.
When he slid home, her neck loosened, landing her face against his hard body. Each thrust moved her against him, the cool wall heated as the friction burned her back. That didn’t stop her pushing to take him and easing his retreat.
No. She wanted what he wanted. That satisfaction. The need had to be satiated.
His name seeped from her throat. But, shit, they had to be quiet. Turning her face, her teeth dug into him through his tee-shirt, holding her voice at bay.
In the moment, in the now, there was no other way to be. Right then, the growing mass of pressure in her gut needed its release. She needed it. Fuck, damn, she needed it in that second.
A screaming yelp of satisfaction, muffled against him, only just got out before her head was back and her eyes met his.
Still drilling into her, his darkness colored desperation. Feral, wild, without fear or worry, he owned her and the moment, and every ounce of their potential.
What would she be without him? How could she ever be?
He slammed into her so deep, her stomach lurched as it clenched tight, aching to hold him within her for as long as possible.
“I’ll tell you what feels wrong,” he huffed into her hair when his mouth landed on top of her head. “Laying you down in any bed but mine.”
She smiled, smoothing her palms down his arms. “We’ll be under the same roof.”
“Not the same.”
No, it wasn’t. “Maybe one day—”
“Definitely one day.” Hooking a finger under her chin, he brought her gaze to his. “After we find our guy, I promise.”
“I think I already found mine,” she murmured, skimming her hands up to the globes of his shoulders.
“We’ll go in and tell Ford right now, if that’s what you want.”
“Waking him up won’t improve his mood.”
“Don’t know if he’s asleep.”
“It’s late. Why wouldn’t he be asleep? You think he was worried about us being out late? If he was, why didn’t he call or come find us?”
“Guy’s got his own troubles. And we don’t know if he’s alone,” he said, backing up to set her down.
“You think my brother’s getting laid?”
The audacity of her tone was kind of rich and probably why he snickered. “Might put him in a better mood.”
“Who is she?” she asked as he draped an arm over her shoulders to lead her across the space. “Have they been seeing each other long? Why don’t I know about her?”
“That’s another mystery for you to solve another day.”
“My brother goes through women,” she said, going through the door he opened for her to go into the hall. She scoffed. “What am I complaining about? Bet he doesn’t even know her name.”