Page 61 of Forbidden Wish

Opening the breakroom door herself, she looked back at him and the twist of his lips sparked her suspicion.

“Don’t be looking at me like that.” With his hands on her shoulders, Jagg eased her into the room. “I don’t know nothing.”

“You do know. You know what he’s like. What aren’t you telling me?”

“No hiding things applies to the case.”

“Not our personal lives?” she hissed in a whisper, pushing back when they got to her bedroom door. “I want to know.”

“I know you do.” This time, he reached around her to boost the door from in front of her. “Get some sleep.”

He pushed her inside, leaving her with nothing but questions.


“YOU’RE DISTRACTING ME,” she murmured, pushing Jagg away.

On the couch in the breakroom, they were supposed to be watching the footage he had hooked up to the wall-mounted TV. The computer was perched on his knee supported with a steadying hand, while the other kept finding its way under her skirt.

That had been distracting enough. Then he’d gone and slid closer to kiss her ear, her cheek, that soft spot on her neck that—

“Stop,” she laughed, shrugging him aside. “Ford could walk in any second.”

“You scared of him?”

“Funny. You’re projecting.” She nodded at the screen. “This is serious work. Would you pay attention?”

Though his exhale was one of frustration, he straightened to play the video again. They couldn’t be fooling around while women were being murdered. But she couldn’t deny it was flattering that he couldn’t keep his hands off her.

And she’d thought she would be the one trailing after him with her tongue hanging out. She would be. As soon as this was over. Yet another incentive to add to the list.

Ford’s bedroom door, by the TV, opened, and he came striding in. They’d separated just in time. She expected a woman to follow, but as he headed for the kitchen, no one else emerged.

“Where is she?” she called.

“Who?” Ford asked.

Jagg nudged her. Was it supposed to be a secret? She hadn’t heard anything through the night. No sounds of love, giggles of romance. Did women giggle around Ford? Probably, knowing the type he attracted.

Pushing back, she raised her mouth his way, though she couldn’t see over the back corner of the couch. “Nothing, I was just asking if you slept okay.”

“Like a baby, little sister,” Ford said. Was it just her or did Jagger shift away another few inches? “What did Ludlow do now?”

“Ludlow?” she asked as Jagg tracked the image back. “Who’s Ludlow?”

Thrusting her elbows into the couch, she rose to see her brother there in the kitchen, hands open on the island.

“Fuck me,” Jagg said, slumping back.

Ford laughed. “Don’t tell me you missed the old jerk. Him and Dad were thick as thieves in the old days.”

“Ludlow?” she asserted, looking back and forth between them. Still her question went unanswered. “Who is Ludlow?”

Her brother got discerning. Wow, who knew it was possible for him to think that hard?

He went to grab a cup and the coffeepot. “Never found out what happened. Did you ask?”

“Kinda, but he didn’t say anything and I let it go,” Jagg said. “Figured he’d tell us if he wanted to tell us.”