She shrugged. “A guy like you can’t have many opportunities to get your thoughts and feelings out. If my brother is your only outlet, I’m surprised you haven’t gone crazy already. If you’re not seeing anyone and ever want to talk…”
His muscles loosened. Just a little. “Only if I’m not seeing anyone?”
“I don’t think a girlfriend would like me butting into your business.”
“You do have a habit of butting in,” he said, holding the line for a second before one corner of his mouth ascended. “I don’t need to talk, Genny. Neither do you. You need to stop talking to people… especially people connected to Vex Manzani.”
He left her to head over to the back of the booth, still dealing with his tools.
She was getting sick of hearing that. “You might get your wish. I’m hitting dead end after dead end. Lachlan’s on it now though, so either he comes through for me or I have to go sleep with a slimy landlord.”
He whipped around so fast she recoiled. “Someone’s pressuring you? Why didn’t you call Ford?”
“I don’t call my brother every time a slimeball sleazes on me, geez. Besides, I’m not an easy woman to pressure,” she said, righting the strap of her purse. “I’m not that desperate yet and the slime was useful… I also told him I was dating a cop. That’s always a useful nugget…”
“Thought you and the cop were done.”
“We are.”
“But you still have sex with him?”
“No,” she said, drawing out the word as she started a slow progression his way. “Why do you care who I’m having sex with?”
“I don’t,” he said, tossing some metal thing onto a box of tools.
“Kinda sounds like you do,” she said, successful this time when she reached for his pocket. Tracing the line of stitching, her finger slunk to the zipper on his coveralls low on his abdomen. “You didn’t answer my question about your current status.”
“No, I didn’t,” he said, taking a deliberate step back. “Because this isn’t on the table.”
“Who said that?” she asked. “Did you talk to Ford about us at Hustle?”
“We’re never talking about that again. That was the deal.”
“Okay,” she said. “Whatever makes you happy.”
“You’re my best friend’s kid sister.”
“Okay,” she said, offering a smile. “I’ll get going. Got hunting to do.”
He nodded, so she spun around to head out. Aware of every hair on her body, she chilled while heating from the inside. The movement of her shoulder accentuated the figure he couldn’t see. But it wasn’t just her chest, her hips flirted with each step she took. Every inch of her tingled with zipping anticipation. Her body wanted something it hadn’t been promised. One taste and, apparently, her pussy was hooked.
He wasn’t even touching her, yet every part of her felt him… maybe that was wishful thinking.
Pausing on the threshold of the booth, it hit her just how open she was to the idea of Jagg. Of her and Jagg. Like more than open to it, she was—
“Keep walking, Genny.”
Her smile grew. That edge in his voice. That rough rumble… She wasn’t the only one open to it. Maybe it would never happen. Maybe he’d never figure out how open to it he was. Still, it was nice to know she wasn’t the only one still thinking about Hustle.
MORE THAN JUST thinking about it, she dressed and got herself back to Hustle’s location. Almost to the location. She got the cab driver to drop her off a block early. That way she could walk by, try to get a better look at those waiting outside.
The doormen had said security hung around at the side of the building. Jagg had recognized Snake Guy. He had. Without a doubt. Lachlan hadn’t recognized him. If Snake Guy hadn’t crossed Lachlan’s radar, but had crossed Jagg’s, it stood to reason the latter ran in the same circles. At some point.
Jagg had also gone straight to Manzani after seeing the picture. Hustle was key. The next piece of the puzzle was in there… or at least connected to it. If she could just get at it, then she could progress to wherever it led.
“Hey, baby!” a guy shouted from the club the moment she came into view. Men shouted. Especially drunk ones, late at night. But this wasn’t a drunk guy, it was one of the doormen. “Your date beat you to it tonight.”