Page 16 of Forbidden Wish

Jagg took the mask from his mouth, leaving it hanging around his neck as he backed up and flicked a switch on the wall. The doors opened wide, presenting the opportunity to make an entrance.

“Ford’s at your dad’s.”

“Okay,” she said, admiring the red and black over blue design on the car. “Looks good… Vinyl?” Bullseye. The flash of offense on his face told her she’d hit her mark. She laughed and touched his arm. “I’m kidding… You’re an artist. I know. It looks amazing. Why are you working on a Sunday?”

“What else would I be doing?” he asked, cleaning up. “Need a ride to your dad’s?”

She restrained a groan. Just barely. “You trying to fix us up too? Ford, Lachlan, and now you. Is there something in the guy code about fathers and daughters that I missed?”

“I figured you wanted to see your brother.”

“Oh… right.” Duh. Not an inaccurate assumption. She brought her purse around on her shoulder to dig inside. “Good guess, but you’ll do.”

“I’m flattered,” he said, deadpan.

Bringing up her photos app, she found the one of Snake Guy. “Do you know this guy?” she asked, turning the phone.

His expression didn’t change at all, not even the tiniest flicker. “No.”

He went to a bench at the side to get a bottle of water. Hmm, did she believe him? He’d turned away fast, gone to do something else, a physical replacement for a subject change.

“I think you do.”

“You’re still on this Manzani thing?” he said. “It’s dangerous.”

Opening her arms, she gestured to the room. “So is huffing paint.”

He pointed at the mask. “I wear protection.”

“I carry protection,” she said, going closer. “I have a cellphone and a rape alarm.”

“Neither of which will help if you need it,” he said. “If you end up on Vex’s radar—”

“I don’t plan to end up on his radar.”

“You are on his radar. Remember the other night? Did you forget what I said about knockouts like you?”

She shook her head, dropping her phone back into her purse. “Did you forget he said I have Manzani protection?”

“As my girl. You get their protection because anyone who messes with you has me to answer to.”

She smiled. “There we go. Problem solved. Thank you for your kindness.”

He wasn’t moved. “I don’t do private security anymore.”

Since he’d sort of brought it up, she had to ask, “Is it true you’re undefeated?”

He frowned. “Who you been talking to?”

“Are you sensitive about it?” she asked, reaching for the hip pocket on his coveralls. His hand jumped to snatch hers before it got there, startling her eyes to his. “You are.”

Why was he so… tense?

“It’s a past life,” he said. “Ancient history.”

“Okay.” She chose not to push. Although… “Are you seeing anyone?”

Immediately, he dropped her hand. “Why?”