Page 15 of Forbidden Wish

“No promises. I still don’t think they’re linked.”

“I know,” she said, reassured that someone was listening. Lachlan was a good start. “I don’t want promises. I want evidence, just like you. Next drink’s on me.”

She gestured the bartender over to ask for another round.

“You talk to your dad yet?” Lachlan asked when the guy walked away.

Well, if that wasn’t just a mood killer. “I changed my mind about the drink.”

“He can’t change who he is, babe.”

“And I can’t change who I am,” she said.

“You love your dad.”

“So? That doesn’t mean he gets to make my choices or run my life.”

“He’s looking out for you. It’s what he’s supposed to do.”

“No, he’s supposed to love me no matter what,” she said. “Ford’s getting worse at it too. What is it with the men in my life that they think they can dictate every detail of my existence?” His head twitched in response to the accusation. Uh huh, let the truth be free. “You did it too, don’t deny it.”

“I don’t want to dictate anything to you, Im. I’d say they don’t either. They care about you. I care about you. We want to look after you. Unfortunately, you’re blessed to be surrounded by men who prefer you safe and healthy; better than no one giving a shit.”

“I can be safe and healthy and do my job. It’s everything, everywhere, all the time… All of you forget that Kurt Stratford is my father, just the same as he’s Ford’s.”

“Ford’s…” What was that? Why did he trail off? Twisting around, she set a questioning glare on him. “Your brother is bigger than you.” So not where he’d been going. “He can take care of himself and spars with Jagger for fun. That guy’s undefeated. He’s never gone down. Not once.”

“And that would be really relevant if I had any intention of ever fighting anyone.”

“You don’t have to go looking for it,” he said and scoffed. “‘Cept you are with this case. Be careful; you don’t know what thread you’re pulling on. Maybe it leads somewhere you can’t get out of. Somewhere dangerous.”

“Or it leads to justice.”

“Say you’re right, say the three cases are connected. Let’s say dragon guy’s our perp.”


“You think he’ll be happy you’re asking questions? You think he’ll want to answer them?”

“Maybe I don’t have to talk to him. Maybe I just have to know where he hangs out, who he associates with. You should know, sometimes bearing witness is enough. If the opportunity comes up, and it’s safe, yeah, I might talk to him. Right now, I’m just looking around…” She widened her eyes. “With my eyes… not my mouth.”

“Okay, remember that. And call me when you get into trouble.”


He smiled and swung his bottle toward his lips. “Yep. When.”



If there was one person who’d know about trouble…

The next day, she delayed her visit to Jagg’s until after lunch. Her brother would be in a better mood with a full stomach. That and Steeple held her up with questions and warnings. Her updates weren’t exactly enlightening. Filling out her answers wasn’t easy while also trawling previous crimes and the internet for talk of a guy with a snake-dragon tattoo.

Jagg’s Autos didn’t usually land on her itinerary. Not this often. It just so happened the information she needed might be available there.

Going around back, she didn’t expect anyone to be working on a Sunday. The floor was clear of cars, but there was light in one of the three spray booths at the back. Walking up the ramp to the window just as whoever was inside stood straight, she tapped on the door, getting their attention.