“That doesn’t have anything to do with it, Cathy,” he replied. His voice had become severe.

My eyes darted between them, so startled and rapt by this unexpected development that I actually forgot my own much, much more humiliating position and began to sympathize for the horrible nurse.

Her face had gone bright red—maybe even as red as mine had gotten a moment before when my pussy had betrayed me with the mortifying, much too visible clench. I could see in her brown eyes that she thought of herself as a good girl, a completely different kind of woman from the criminal restrained in the exam chair.

Part of me thought that if I hadn’t had the gag in my mouth, I would have said something in her favor, like, “Don’t worry about it,” or even, “She’s right: I’m the one who committed the crime here.” Another part, to my dismay, desperately hoped the doctor would…

He gave an exasperated sigh.

“Assume the position please, Cathy,” he said. “It will probably help Marianne here to see how an effective organization like this one… and…” He turned his attention to me, distressing me greatly because my own blush had returned and my own eyes had gone very wide. “… the one she’ll soon join handle feminine insubordination.”

I looked at Cathy. She had tears in the corners of her eyes. She had turned her gaze back to me.

“I’m sorry, Marianne,” she said, clearly hoping beyond hope to appease the doctor. “I shouldn’t have…”

I could also see in that penitent face that she knew she wouldn’t be able to dissuade him from whatever he planned to do, and that she felt terribly conflicted about it—maybe even as conflicted as I did.

“Cathy,” the doctor said. Only her name, but in a voice that made my tummy flip over, and started a flutter below my tummy, too. My eyes had gone very wide, and I seemed, to my amazement, to see everything from the horrible nurse’s perspective, rather than my own. Her expression at the sound of her name in that severe, masculine tone pulled me into her mind.

I knew, as Nurse Cathy, that I had behaved terribly, that even if the naked girl strapped to the exam chair was a criminal, she still deserved treatment as a person, and one who maybe should receive a certain amount of sympathy. The justice system had destined the girl in the exam chair for a life of sexual servitude, after all. The thought of that life made me, a professional, a fully grown woman…

I’m going insane, said a part of my brain, my own, real brain. But I couldn’t stop. I saw it in the nurse’s face, and I felt it in the tingling of my nipples and the warmth in my virgin pussy. She envied me, and she hated envying me.



“You want to watch this?” Phil asked. He had his tablet propped up in front of him on the breakfast bar in our little kitchen. It was five in the evening, but we’d just woken up a few minutes before, letting the day guys, who’d been on duty the previous twelve hours, hit the sack—after they’d paddled and fucked their bad girl, Ashley. Phil and I had been promised our own sexual relief device, but who knew when Selecta would see fit to deliver her.

I glanced at the tablet screen.

“Well, yeah,” I said after a moment of confusion. The image of the naked girl on the exam chair and the doctor apparently about to spank the nurse in front of her, didn’t represent Phil’s usual taste in porn, as far as I knew. It had taken my brain a few seconds to register what was actually taking place on the screen, but then my interest had risen greatly—just like my cock against my leg, inside the sweats I usually slept in.

Our SRD—the girl strapped to the chair had to be the girl they had chosen for the firehouse.

“They”—who the fuck even knew, these days, who “they” were? Supposedly we were public servants, and we worked for the government. We handled the fires and all the other nasty shit that broke out on a daily basis at the industrial complex on the edge of town, where the forest began. I told myself we did that to help our fellow citizens—help them forget that their reasonably comfortable lives depended a great deal on the megacorps subsidizing a firehouse that kept a fragile bunch of systems from literally blowing up.

Really, though, “they” were those megacorps. They paid us pretty well, and sometimes they sent us other good things—treats, I couldn’t help calling them as I looked at the naked girl strapped to the exam chair.

SRD.Sexual Relief Device.Man, did I ever need some relief.

“Her name’s Marianne,” Phil told me—unnecessarily, becauseMarianneappeared in the upper left corner of the screen. The upper right corner, on the other hand, had a single-digit number that went from seven to eight as I watched, for some reason that didn’t seem immediately obvious.

Phil supplied that, too, after swallowing a mouthful of the plentiful scrambled eggs that Ben and Greg, the day guys, had cooked up before they’d gone to bed—just like I would do for them at the end of our shift, as long as we all weren’t trying to keep the liquid oxygen tanks from exploding, or trying to keep an apartment block from going up.

“That’s how horny she is,” he told me. “Ten’s the highest, I guess.”

I frowned. “How do they know that?”

Phil laughed. “Kind of obvious, isn’t it?”

I looked at the naked girl, tightly restrained to the chair, black webbing straps around her neck, her waist, her wrists, and her knees—a pink ball gag in her mouth for good measure. Phil wasn’t wrong: the expression on her face as the nurse bent over in front of the doctor with the plastic paddle in his hand seemed to cry out to the camera.

The deep furrow in Marianne’s brow and the rosy blush in her cheeks said it all without any need for words. The naked young woman whose embarrassing exam had apparently been interrupted by this disciplinary moment didn’t want to get hot and bothered as she watched the nurse reluctantly lower her pink scrubs to expose her blue cotton panties, but she had no choice at all in the matter.

“I guess so,” I said, “but there’s got to be a little more to it, right?”

“Sure,” Phil replied. “Probably in that email, but who cares? It’s about relaxing, isn’t it? If she likes it when we fuck her brains out, that’s good enough for me. I mean, she’s like off-the-chart hot, right?”