I had to admit he had that part correct. Marianne, spread open and tied down, her little breasts heaving up and down and her shaved pussy glistening with what looked like a mixture of lube and arousal, had already gotten me as hard as an iron bar.

I watched the screen for a moment longer. Phil had the sound down very low, but I could hear the doctor tell his nurse, in an impatient tone, to lower her panties. She cast a beseeching look over her shoulder.

The number in the upper right of the screen went from eight to nine.

Very curious now, I opened the email from Selecta Employee Services.

Dear firefighter,

We’re writing to share some great news. Your unit has been selected for the Sexual Relief Device program.

* * *


“I said, get them down, Cathy,” the doctor repeated.

“But…” Cathy pleaded. Then she looked at me. The mortification in that expression, the unwelcome feeling of solidarity I read there, the idea that both of us knew about the mortifying arousal we each felt… together with the bizarre, horrible irony that the doctor would paddle the good girl nurse rather than the criminal strapped to the exam chair…

I sobbed, and I kept shaking my head, slowly, trying to tell her that it wasn’t my fault. She had giggled, and then she had talked back to the doctor. She seemed like such a mature woman, but she had behaved like a naughty little girl. I hadn’t done any of that.

To my distress, though, even as I moved my chin back and forth, my eyes locked on Nurse Cathy’s, I wondered whether I would have actually pleaded on her behalf, if I could have spoken. Some part of me desperately wanted to watch this. I couldn’t wait for the snooty woman to pull her panties down and get her lesson from the white plastic paddle in the doctor’s hand.

She had assumed the position, with her scrubs around her ankles and her hands on her knees. The doctor had taken off his headband light thing and gotten the paddle from a cabinet in the corner. Did every exam room have one? How much firsthand knowledge did Nurse Cathy have of the kind of treatment she had told me I, too, would apparently receive at the hands of the men the government had decided to give me to?

Between my spread thighs, I watched the doctor take a step forward and put his left hand on the older woman’s waist. I watched the paddle go up.

“This doesn’t count,” the doctor said, his voice as hard as the expression on his face.

“Wait!” Cathy said, starting to twist away, but he seemed to have a good deal of experience with punishing his nurses, and he anticipated the movement, shifting his hand to grip her right hip and hold her in place as he brought the smooth white surface down on her panty-clad ass.

Even with the slightly muffling effect of the panties’ thin fabric and the less-than-spacious acoustics of the tiny exam room, the paddle made a resounding thwack that brought a wince to my face. Nurse Cathy emitted a sort of helpless grunt that testified to the strength of the doctor’s arm and seemed entirely different from the superior attitude she had shown me until now. Fascinated despite myself, I watched her face twist as she obviously tried very hard not to let me see how painful and humiliating she found this punishment, delivered in front of a convicted criminal—the old-fashioned lesson for misbehavior that apparently hadn’t even started yet.

“Get them down,” the doctor said, his voice controlled but so harsh that it made my tummy flip over.

Cathy had tears in the corners of her eyes, and she looked daggers at me before she turned away, giving her full attention to the wall in front of her. She had taken her hands from her knees when attempting to get away from the paddle, thrusting them behind her and trying in vain to defend her backside. I saw them tremble a little as she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of those blue, very little-girl-ish panties and lowered them quickly to just below her butt cheeks.

“Lower,” the doctor said impatiently.

The nurse didn’t protest this time, and she didn’t look at me, but I didn’t have to see her face to know how red it had gotten, or her eyes to know how mortifying this professional woman found it not only to have to fear she might show me the secrets between her thighs, as I had been forced to show so much more of my own—but also to have her boss demand it of her that way.

She lowered her underwear all the way to mid-thigh. Clearly very eager to have the awful lesson over with, Cathy put her hands right back on her knees. I felt my forehead crease hard as I watched her arch her back a little, too, pushing out her backside. I understood instantly, though I found the knowledge entirely unwelcome, that she knew the doctor would demand that humiliation, too, unless she did it of her own accord.

“Good girl,” he said, his voice heavy with condescending approval. “Three swats coming.”

What was I supposed to think about the part of me that felt a stab of disappointment at that news?

Three?! She was so fucking mean to me, and you’re giving herthreeswats?

Good girl. Clearly Nurse Cathy had managed, in the end, to win a slight reprieve with her compliance—probably with that little pushing out of her ass. I noted, with a dismaying flip of my tummy, that I could see a hint of her pussy lips, smooth like mine were now, peeking out between her thighs. Surely the doctor had noted the same distracting sight. Surely that made Cathy a “good girl.”

I felt like I had started to understand something very important, and very, very shameful. Worse, I felt like I had begun torecallit, rather than to discover it—as if these mortifying ideas actually lay hidden inside me, rather than coming into my mind from the outside, from the awful doctor and his horrible nurse.

The paddle came down, and I cried out at the same time Cathy did, helpless to control my body’s sheer physical response. I strained against the webbing straps as between my thighs, to my horror, I felt another spasmodic tightening of my virgin sheath, where the sensation of the speculum’s intrusion lingered. I felt, insanely, like the paddle’s three quick smacks against the nurse’s ample bare bottom representedmypunishment for having a man open my pussy and show me my hymen. The red glow the paddle quickly imparted to Cathy’s backside belonged on my much younger, much trimmer ass.

And they’re sending you where that will happen,an ominous voice told me in my mind, as if by taking Cathy’s perspective, involuntarily, I had also let her judgmental, voyeuristic thoughts into my own brain.You’re a bad girl, too, not a good one. You’re going to get it so much harder.

She didn’t look at me as she pulled up her panties and then her scrubs, and she kept her face turned to the wall, but I saw the tears glinting in her eyes and the red in her cheeks that matched her glowing bottom all too well. My emotions were so mixed, I didn’t know how to tell shame apart from anger—or embarrassed satisfaction that Cathy had gotten what she deserved for being mean to me from resentment that she hadn’t gotten a sterner lesson, or… it sent a new wave of heat to my cheeks… any corner time.