He led his boys from the locker room and into the open space of the club. There were rectangular and circular booths and well as tall tables dotted around the main floor. Lucas spotted his friend and urged his boys in that direction.

Jesse rose when he spotted them.

“Hey, guys. Glad you could make it.”

“Thanks for the invitation,” Nash said. “Nash Johnson. Nice to meet you.”

Lucas didn’t miss the way that Jesse’s gaze dropped down before turning to Nash’s face. “Nice to meet you too. Lucas has told me a lot about you.”

Nash laughed. “I bet.”

Jesse turned to Adam. “And you must be Adam. I’m sorry we didn’t get to talk that first day you arrived. My assistant keeps me on a short leash. He’s a slave driver.” Jesse winked.

Adam giggled. “Hi! Adam! That’s me!”

“Adorable,” Jesse commented. “Would you all like to join me. I can tell you a little more about the club.”

“Awesome.” Nash dropped down in the circular booth before scooting over.

Lucas guided Adam to slide in beside Nash before he sat at the end. Adam was safe between him and Nash. Jesse slid across from him.

“Drink? Sorry we don’t sell alcohol in the club. We have backrooms that are available to reserve out for scenes.” He picked up his own glass, which looked like water with a slice of lime.

“None of us are much on drinking anyway,” Lucas assured his friend. He respected the clubs’ rules and limits. He had spent over an hour going over the contract just to enter for one night. It appeared that Jesse was running a well-maintained and strict club. Lucas approved.

Lucas had been a member of a BDSM club back in L.A. when he was younger, but he’d been out of the club scene for years now. He wanted a settled life and a partner for more than one night. Now that he had both his boys, maybe they would hit a club up now and then. He’d love to watch Nash’s body sway to the music as Adam played.

“Here’s the manager now.” Jesse waved a hand toward the slim pretty young man who was hurrying over.

“Good evening. My name is Brian. Can I get you all something to drink?”

“May I have a ginger ale, please,” Lucas ordered. “Nash will take a water and I have a sippy cup for our baby already.”

“Great! I’ll have your drinks sent over shortly. Please let me or anyone on staff know if you need anything else.”

“Thanks, Brian.” Lucas turned his attention back to his friend. “This is a nice place.”

“It’s more formal than other clubs around town but I wanted a safe place for men and women to play. We need to watch out for each other in the lifestyle.”

“I agree.”

“I don’t get to come down as much as I planned when I first decided on the club, but Brian runs a tight ship and I have several security officers that keep an eye on things.”

“You said there are back rooms?” Nash asked.

“Yes, we cater to all lifestyle kinks. Even if we have our own preferences but if everything is safe, sane, and consensual, we have provided a safe place.”

“Daddy!” Adam tugged on his shirt. “Dink?”

“Yes, I have your drink, baby.” Lucas pulled out the sippy cup he’d fixed earlier. Once Adam was sipping on his juice, Lucas brought out the cars that he’d thrown in the bag.

Adam wiggled and was playing before a young barely dressed waiter dropped off his and Nash’s drinks.

His baby didn’t look up as he continued to run his cars over the dark wood table. Even Nash played along with Adam as he and Jesse caught up.

Lucas relaxed back into the booth. “How’s your brother?”

Jesse laughed before launching into a story about his twin.