They talked and visited for half an hour before he noticed that Nash was getting antsy.

“Would you like to walk around? Take a look at the nursery?” Jesse asked.

“That would be great.” Lucas leaned closer to Adam. “Let’s go find the playroom, baby.”

“K!” Adam shoved his cars at Lucas’s chest.

Lucas managed to get everything back in the bag before Nash was trying to push them out of the booth. He’d had to cut one leg of the leather pants that Nash wore so the walking boot would fit but his boy still looked sexy as sin.

Adam slipped his hand into Lucas’s as they started to walk.

A few times Nash started to wander off and Lucas had to pull him back. His boy was a curious one and there was a lot to explore with the dynamic between them. Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to join the club at home or take more trips to Vegas to come to this club. Maybe both.

There was so much that Lucas looked forward to.

Jesse grinned as they came to a short well-lit hallway. “This is the nursery.”

Peering through the glass, Lucas spotted a couple of boys playing with blocks and a young man with pigtails in a cute ruffled dress rocking a baby doll. Around the room were a couple of recliners where men and women sat as they watched over the littles that were playing.

Excitement coursed through him, knowing that he was able to give this special experience to Adam. His baby had never had a Daddy to watch over him and allow him to relax. Adam was already deep into his regression. Being in the club didn’t seem to bother him and Adam was staring into the room with awe.

“Let’s go play, little man,” Lucas said.

“K! Come, Na-Na!”

They entered the room with Jesse and Adam hurried over to a large castle set up to one side, leaving them behind. He giggled and dropped to his knees. It didn’t even appear that Adam saw that anyone else was in the room.

Pride filled him.

Adam would never have been able to relax as deeply if he wasn’t there. Adam was such a good friend to the other boys but he needed time to really relax into his regression as well. Lucas thought he was doing a good job allowing Adam to be the kind of little that he’d been missing time from.

They sat on a long couch close to where Adam played. Lucas pulled Nash onto his lap. He ran his palm over Nash’s lace-covered chest.

Nash dropped his head back on Lucas’s shoulder as he pushed his chest out.

Lucas would give Adam time to play then he’d find the dance floor and get Nash to put on a show for him.

Sounded like the perfect night at the club for them.

Chapter Eighteen


“That was anti-climactic,” Nash bitched.

“Fuck, man,” Lincoln responded. “One of them could have tried to fight back.”

“Cowards,” Nash spat. The raid had taken place right before dawn on their sixth day in Ls Vegas. The Las Vegas Metro police force, including their SWAT team, local FBI officers, and child services had hit several residences at the same time, including the farm. Seven children had been rescued from living in filth and horrible conditions from the farm. Two adults had been arrested there as well. One of the adults had been identified as Adam’s younger stepbrother. The fact that he’d been left in charge of the farm had Nash doubting he was another victim. Not after seeing the children left in his care. That was going to hurt Adam, but Nash would tell him everything.

“Here he comes.” Nash nudged his arm.

Leaning against a marked vehicle next to his partner, Nash pulled out his phone. He hit Record the minute the backdoor of the black FBI SUV opened. The old man that was pulled from the vehicle was weak and pitiful. Nash knew he was looking at the man with the eyes of an adult and not those of a child in terror.

Nash wanted to see the person who had tormented him being led into the police station in cuffs. Jim Crossway had tears and snot running down his face as he pleaded his innocence to anyone close by.

He’d already blamed everything on his partners in the church and even his children. Not taking any responsibility himself. His pleas were ignored though. They had witness statements from almost thirty adults who as children had suffered under the cruel hand of Jim Crossway.

The website that Nash had discovered run by a former child of the farm had really come in handy. After Nash and Remy contacted the person, the daughter of one of the church deacons, she was able to pass along files that she’d copied from the office when she’d interned for her father.