Ben wasn’t convinced and he thought he might have a chat with Karl and ask him to keep an eye on Alex. He’d not been too impressed at the idea of Alex fake-dating Dorian, but his reasons were noble enough even if Ben thought he hadn’t appreciated how it might affect him. Dorian was an attractive, charming man, Ben knew the fucker far too well for him to have been more than a friend and to fall for him, but Alex he imagined could have been swept up in the romance of it all.

“What you do in your own time is your own business. I will never dictate how you live your life unless it was to impact your work, and even then it would have to be a serious issue, not a slight difference only I would spot. If you are having trouble, please know you can come to me. Or if not me, then Karl.”

“I appreciate that, thank you. But honestly, I’m fine now. And actually, I did speak to Karl yesterday and he was a great help.”

Ben was still not convinced but if he remembered correctly, this weekend would be the end of the fake dating the movie star and Alex’s life could return to normal.


Dorian scowled. Every time he’d tried to seek out Alex he either wasn’t where Dorian thought he should be or he had left moments before. He’d been thinking long and hard about his date with Jez and he wanted to talk to Alex. Perhaps Alex was avoiding him. He hadn’t replied to his text after his date and if Alex did want to be left alone, the last thing he’d want was Dorian harassing him by text to see where he was when he had no legitimate reason to meet.

He’d try Alex’s office one last time for the day. The door was open and there was no sign of him. “Dorian, is everything all right?”

He turned to see Ben with Davy strapped to his chest in a harness. “I was looking for Alex. I see you’ve a new accessory.”

Ben rubbed the top of Davy’s head. “He’s stopped grumping when he goes in it now so I thought I’d give Ashley a break and have the little fellow for the afternoon.”

“It’s a good look on you. I don’t suppose you’ve seen Alex?”

Ben checked his watch. “It’s after four on a Friday, Dorian. I’m not a slave driver.”

“I’ve been trying to catch him all day today and yesterday.”

“Yesterday he came with me to Malsberry Manor, I had to scope out the venue for this bloody bachelor auction.”

Dorian had heard some mutterings but had thought Ben was trying to get out of it. “That still going ahead?”

“Unless there’s a miracle. Alex, the marvel that he is, will at least ensure I know what I’m doing and don’t make an arse of myself.”

“You know you’re in safe hands there… so where is he today?”

“Did you try the archive? He’s been helping the dragons with a new project they’ve got. But he’d probably not be there now.”

He checked earlier and Dara and Chris had said they’d not seen him although Dorian had spotted a third mug on the desk and three chocolate brownies, but if Alex had not wanted them to give him away, then he wasn’t going to push.

“He wasn’t there.”

Ben frowned. “That’s odd I could have sworn that he was planning to be there. Maybe check in with Ashley.”

Dorian thought anyone he asked would not have seen Alex. They were supposed to be going on their last date tomorrow and now he wasn’t even sure Alex would turn up. This was bollocks, he was going to get himself a drink and sulk in the library.

“Doesn’t matter. I’ll text him later. I wanted final details for tomorrow, that’s all.”

“Oh, yes, it’s your last date. Whatever happens, it’s bound to be better than the one you had with Jez.”

“Yeah, low bar. Anyway, I’ll leave you to your baby-dangling.”

Dorian wandered into the library and saw Simon reading on the sofa, sipping a sherry. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there. Are you meant to be drinking?”

Simon raised an eyebrow. “I’m off the serious pain meds, and I’ve no infections, so I’m allowed. But for the love of God don’t tell Robin, because he’ll demand to see written permission from my doctors and then I’ll have to kill him. You’ll be saving a not-so-innocent life and me from prison. And I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that ex-coppers don’t do well inside.”

Dorian laughed and collected the sherry decanter and a glass. “Top up?”

“I knew there was a reason why I liked you and it wasn’t just your taste in ex boyfriends.”

He topped up Simon’s glass. “I hated you for ages. It was easier for me to believe Robin left me for someone else rather than just leaving.”

“We’ve established on previous occasions you were an arsehole, and I’m glad you’ve changed.” He sipped his sherry and stared at Dorian as if he was daring him to challenge him.