“I hate to tell you, but the idea of you having a threesome with two other beautiful men is hardly going to be a turnoff. I was even thinking of upping your minimum bid… I reckon you’ll have them all fighting for you.”

Maybe he should have asked Karl for help formulating an escape plan, because as it stood he was caught like a deer in headlights and there was no way out. “I do think you’re overstating my appeal.”

“You weren’t at the committee lunch. Half of them are thinking of taking a punt, and there’s some terrific comments on the website.”

“Wait, I’m on the website already?” Oh dear lord, he hadn’t realised that it had gone that far.

“Yes, you’re sandwiched between a fireman and a belly dancer. Not literally, of course, but then given your thing with Robin and Dorian, you might not have minded.” She guffawed at her own joke.

“Very droll.”

“Now come on, you big sourpuss, I know you can’t make the official rehearsal so let me show you the set-up. Where’s that lovely secretary of yours gone?”

Ben had hoped that by coming over to Malsberry Manor in person, under the pretence of being here to get the lay of the land before the event, he’d have been able to persuade Mel to release him from his commitment, bringing Alex along to take notes for verisimilitude. Now he was going to need him for real.

Alex was waiting for him in the great hall. He’d been talking to the head of staff. “My lord, Mr Hill was taking me through the arrangements for the event.”

“We’re in excellent hands with Hill,” Mel said fondly. “We’ve a few bits and pieces to iron out but it’ll be marvellous. And such a worthy cause. I’m so glad you’re participating, Ben. I knew I could count on you.”

Alex tapped his notebook. “I have detailed notes on the logistics, my lord. I don’t think you need to worry about anything about the evening. You’ll have someone behind the scenes to usher you on and off a raised stage and all the voting will be done by an app with only the organiser being able to see who the final winning bid is from.”

Mel clapped her hands together. “It’s all so clever. Everyone gets a code name and there’s a big screen to show the bidding in real-time.”

Ben plastered on what he hoped didn’t come across as too fake a smile. “How are the ticket sales going? Might not be worth it if the audience is too small.”

“Sold out. We could probably squeeze in an extra table or two at a push but we’ve hit our numbers. Does your Ashley have a ticket? Although I’m afraid it would be unsporting of him to bid for you.”

Ashley hadn’t because Ben had been hoping not to have been here either. “I…”

“Let me follow up, my lord,” Alex said. “I can make arrangements with Mr Hill on where he should be seated.”

“Thank you. I’m not sure if he’s going with someone. Maybe Mr MacLove?”

“I’ll double check.”

He’d noticed earlier but Alex did seem a little off-kilter, not that he thought Mel or Mr Hill would have noticed, but the Alex he’d come to know over the last few months would have had a more definite answer, even if, as in this case, it was completely fabricated.

“Do you have everything you need, Ben? Just I need to head off for an appointment in the city and I’m already cutting it a bit close,” Mel asked.

He was more than happy to have a reason to leave. “All good. And I do need to get back myself.”

“Feel free to pop in again if you want to. I want to make sure you’re comfortable with the set-up. Don’t want to put bidders off!”

Mr Hill escorted Ben and Alex out. “Would you like to drive?” he offered Alex. “You’re on the estate’s insurance, which includes the Jag.”

“Normally I would love to, but I’m not sure I’d be the safest behind the wheel.”

“Is there something wrong?”

Alex cleared his throat. “I had a bit more to drink than normal last night, I’m still feeling a little delicate.”

“Oh.” Ben winked. “We’ve all been there, Alex. I’ve had some doozies of hangovers through the years. I thought there must have been something.”

Alex looked horrified. “Oh, dear lord, I didn’t think it was affecting my work. I am so sorry. I can take a day’s less holiday or something to make up for it.”

“Don’t be daft. Even on your ever so slightly off days you’re incredible.” He wondered if there was more behind Alex’s mid-week drinking, and remembered that Dorian had told him about a date he was planning with a director. “Is everything all right?”

“Yes, I just needed a bit of downtime yesterday and I overindulged. It’s not my usual practise and I promise it won’t happen again.”