“Then tell Ben exactly that. Get someone in place ahead of time and you’ll be more comfortable about returning to work.”

Karl arrived with a tray of sandwiches and two bowls of trifle. They ate while discussing the gossip from the local running club, Simon missing both the interaction and his regular exercise.

“I think I need a walk.” Simon stretched in his seat. “There’s no way I’ll sleep now. And before you say anything, yes you can come with me, because I’m not that stubborn.”

“Not with me, but with Robin you are.”

“Busted.” Simon laughed. “I know I’m not up for hiking, and it would be daft in my current state to go unaccompanied.”

The tell-tale sound of Davy waking crackled across the baby monitor. “Oh shit!”

“Don’t worry about it, go see to your son. Maybe Karl is about, or someone else?”

Karl had a date with Val after he finished tonight, and Dara and Nathan were probably in do-not-disturb territory. “I could try Chris. Although he said he was working on his idea for a novel this evening, so there’s a high chance he won’t answer.”

Davy wailed again.

“Honestly, it doesn’t matter.”

Ashley scrolled his contacts. “What about Dorian?”

“I wouldn’t have a problem… he might have though.”

“Let me ask him. I know he was talking to Ben, but he didn’t say he had plans.”

Ashley:Hey, sorry to bother you… Simon would like a walk in the grounds but he can’t go on his own and I need to baby wrangle.

Davy’s cries we getting more insistent. “I better go. I’ll let you know when I hear back.”

He thought Simon might be right and Dorian be a bit reluctant but his phone buzzed before he reached the door.

Dorian:Sure. Can meet him on the terrace in ten minutes, if that works.

“He’s game.”

Ashley rattled off the instructions and Simon shooed him away. He had a lot to think about with admitting that a nanny was the way to go, and Simon’s advice he didn’t need to worry about a plan or any other silly scheme. Admitting he was wrong based on trying to do it all and he did need help wasn’t something to be upset over and Ben wasn’t the type of man to gloat over something like that. Ashley needed to remember they were partners in this and, either Ben had to take more of the strain, or they needed professional help. Put it like that, there was only one answer.

* * *

Ben had left to help with Davy since he’d assumed the reason Ashley had asked Dorian to keep Simon company was because he was needed elsewhere and that meant the boy was causing trouble. He’d departed with a proud grin, saying he imagined that trouble was likely to follow David Redbourn.

Simon appeared in the doorway to the terrace. He was moving a lot better than the last time Dorian had seen him, but that had been a few days after he’d been discharged from hospital and looked as if he’d been hit by a bus, made worse by Robin’s overbearing protectiveness.

“You all right?” Dorian called.

“Yeah, I needed some fresh air and I’m not stupid enough to go for a solo trot around on the grounds just yet, so thanks for being my keeper.”

“I could do with walking off the extra pudding I had, so I’m well up for it.”

Simon joined him on the terrace. “Can I ask a favour?”

“That depends on what it is.” He was used to being asked all sorts of things, although he didn’t expect anything nefarious from Simon, he wouldn’t say yes to anyone outright.

“Unless I collapse and end up needing medical attention, please do not feed any negativity back to Robin.”

“What makes you think he would ask me?”

“Because he’s Robin.” Simon smiled. “He’s over-worrying and I get it—I really do—but it won’t help either of us.”