Ben arrived in a grey-blue suit and Robin swore. “Fucker. You are not supposed to look better than me in my own clothes. It’s bloody out of order.”

“Come on, Robin. Ben’s always been the perfect clothes horse.”

“Cry more, Flint,” Ben said with a wink.

Neither him or Robin were unattractive men, but he’d always thought of Ben as being in a league of his own. The effortless charm and the title had meant he’d never been short of offers from men and women, and he was sure there had been much distress when he announced he was settling down with Ashley.

“Let’s get going before I change my mind and demand Ben takes my clothes off.” Robin laughed. “That came out wrong. Or five years too late.”

Dorian had fond memories of the times the three of them had spent together, nothing more than fun and friends blowing off steam. Ben had never said much about it, but Dorian had always got the feeling that now and again Ben had wanted the familiarity that came from knowing someone for more than just a few hours at a time. These days their relationship was closer to brothers than lovers, and since Ben was with Ashley there was no danger of it reverting back.

By the time they reached the lobby, a car was waiting and Robin was on the phone making arrangements ahead of their arrival. He’d always been insanely organised and had not just pretended to be his PA; the way he spoke held no room for argument and he expected to get what he wanted. They were heading further into Manhattan although not far and it might have been quicker to walk, but he guessed this wasn’t the sort of place people walked up to.

“Where are we going?” Ben asked.

“North Down.”

“Nice. I’ve been a few times when I was younger. I almost took Ashley when we had a weekend away because a friend of mine offered to sign us in—for old times’ sake. But I decided against rattling Ashley’s cage over that. He’s not a fan of those sort of places.”

“I share Ashley’s sentiment of most of them,” Robin said. “Although I’ve found a couple in New York that I like.”

Dorian had never thought Robin had been too bothered where they went. “You never used to mind.”

“It’s different when you’re not in the spotlight. When I used to go places with you, I was invisible, these days I’m not. I’m not famous like you, and frankly, I don’t know how you cope.”

“The obvious answer to that is I don’t. You put up a front, constantly acting. It gets exhausting.”

“You’ll be glad to know, North Down is one of the members’ clubs that, once you’re through the door, everyone is treated with discretion. I know we never went together, so I don’t think you’ve been before.”

“No. Heard of it, but tonight’s one of many firsts. Might as well be somewhere new for me.”

“That’s the spirit,” Robin said with a smile.

The car halted in front of an inconspicuous door around the side from the main entrance, where those who were members, but not in Robin’s league entered. Dorian followed Robin and Ben out of the car, he wasn’t used to hiding, being on display was his normal but he didn’t want to be gawped at.

They were greeted by a perfectly put-together young woman. “Good evening, Mr Flint, Lord Crofton, and Mr Forbes. We’ve set aside an area for your use and I want to assure you that your host will ensure you’re not bothered by any of our other patrons.”

She’d recognised him, but hadn’t made a big deal out of it and even called him Mr Forbes. He felt himself relax. They were escorted into a VIP section, the club an epitome of taste and decadence where nothing was spared to reflect the calibre of the guests they entertained. They were shown to a half-circle couch with a table, tucked away from the main thoroughfare and sheltered from all but a few tables.

“A bottle of my favourite burgundy and three glasses, and whatever the chef recommends for a light meal would be much appreciated,” Robin said with a smile. Dorian knew a lot of people with money, and many of them thought their riches meant they could forget their manners, but not Robin.

Dorian glanced around, the place was busy although not over-full, but then the members would not want it rammed to the gills. New York’s beautiful people were out in their designer clothes, dripping with jewellery or expensive watches. He shouldn’t have felt out of place, but usually he would be one of the types who’d be strutting about, happy to be seen.

Ben leant in. “Everything all right?”

“Just getting my bearings.”

The wine arrived and once they each had a glass in hand Robin proposed a toast. “To Dorian Forbes, for being the man he wishes to be.”

It meant a lot coming from Robin. He was with two of his favourite people, the world would right itself sooner than later and he would go on. Tonight he would try to relax, enjoy a couple of good glasses of wine and forget everything else.


Ashley didn’t dare move. Davy had finally dropped off to sleep, and it didn’t matter that it was across his chest and it was not a position his back would thank him for later. He was hungry and hadn’t had breakfast, but he hoped Karl would stop by and check on his plans for lunch before too long. The door opened and Simon entered. “Oh, don’t you look uncomfortable.”

“Shush, the little sod’s asleep.” He hadn’t been expecting Simon, but he was glad to see him.

Simon tutted, and scooped up Davy. “You’re creating a rod for your own back. You’re going to need boundaries if you don’t want him running rings around you day and night.”