He’d expected a member of staff to open the door of Robin’s apartment so was surprised when it was Robin who greeted them, waving them into a lobby. “They let you into the country then, Crofton? I should have a word with immigration, they seem to let anybody in these days.”

“Watch it, Flint, it’s more surprising they give you leave to remain.”

Robin gave Ben a hug before turning to face Dorian. “Congratulations. Believe it or not, I’m very proud of you.”

Dorian was surprised to find himself pulled into a hug. There’d been no physical interaction between them since his failed attempt to get Robin to agree to try again. That had been a botched kiss which, in hindsight, he’d known was never going to be anything more.

“Only ten years too late, eh?”

“Could have been worse, could have been another ten?” Robin clapped him on the shoulder and let them both into a lounge with a magnificent panoramic view of the city.

“My God this place is amazing!” Ben said. “Why didn’t I get invited here before?”

“My father only bought it last year. He offered it to sweeten the deal to encourage me to come here for six months. We have several other apartments in the city that are not quite so well-appointed.”

Dorian stared around. “I was expecting an army of staff.”

“Someone comes in to clean and stock the cupboards, but I like my privacy.”

“Not even a cook?” Ben seemed surprised.

“I’m more than capable of cooking for myself. I find it kind of relaxing.”

Robin hadn’t been the best of cooks, but it had added an element of normality to their relationship, so he’d never complained about the less than stellar offerings or that they were something from a meal prep kit. “I don’t remember you having the most expansive of repertoires, though.”

Robin laughed. “True. And I won’t pretend that I don’t eat out or order in more than I cook, but Simon’s taught me a few simple dishes and he even filled the freezer with some of my favourites last time he was here.”

“He’s too good for you,” Ben said with a snort.

“You’re not wrong there.” There was something about Robin’s smile that didn't quite meet his eyes and Dorian could tell there was a lot of concern behind Robin’s words. “Let me show you your rooms, you can freshen up and we can go grab something to eat at a little exclusive place I’m a member of if you’re willing.”

“Not sure I’m up for public engagement,” Dorian admitted. He’d spent the last few days avoiding people and to be seen, even in an exclusive club, might be a step he wasn’t yet ready to take.

“I promise you won’t be bothered at this place. Somewhere safe to blow off a bit of steam.”


“What’s the point of coming out if you intend to stay in?” Robin smiled. “We’ll have a drink and we can leave if you’re really uncomfortable, but I think it’s important. And you’ve both myself and Ben there to support you.”

He didn’t think Robin would drop it, and he did have a point. “All right. How flash are we talking?”

“Do you have one of your Scabal suits with you?”

He snorted. “Of course I do. There are some things I do not travel without.”

“Then you’re good to go.”

“I don’t think I’ll have anything suitable,” Ben said, which Dorian was surprised at since both Robin and Ben were much more into their labels than he was.

“You’ll fit into something of mine. I have a new Armani if you want.”

“Oh, yes. Haven’t had the chance to shop the collection yet.”

Dorian let Robin usher him into his room. Or, as he discovered, his suite. His bags had been delivered and he unpacked. The shower was brilliant, and he emerged feeling positively perky. Tonight would be his first time out as a gay man, not that he had any intention of hooking up with someone, as he wanted to spend time with Ben and Robin, but it felt as if it needed marking somehow.

Robin was changed when he returned to the lounge, looking amazing in a charcoal-grey suit, his shirt open at the collar. He’d always liked his labels, but Robin had usually dressed far more casually. “I’m still not used to seeing you in a suit. I guess timeshavechanged.”

“Different image. I’m no longer a PA, and I need to dress the part of the new me. Or rather the real me.”