Ashley waited for the scream but instead there was a sleepy grumble and Davy went back to sleep in Simon’s arms.

“I forgot he loves you. You can never leave me.”

Simon laughed. “Your son’s got great taste.”

Ashley sat forwards and worked the kinks out of his back. “Did I forget you were coming?”

“No. I thought you might like some company since both our other halves have fucked off to babysit a movie star. I hope I’m not imposing.”

Simon was a decent bloke, and there had been moments over the last couple of months when he didn’t think Robin deserved him. “You’re never an imposition. How are you feeling about Robin not coming back this weekend?”

“It’s fine. Proper fine, not pissed off fine. He’s still coming but a couple of days later. He mentioned something about flying back with Ben as his dad is using the company jet.”

“Slumming it, is he?” Ashley drawled.

“Apparently I’m worth travelling with the plebs in first class. He was quick to tell me he wouldn’t be on his own with Dorian.”

There was a lot to unpack behind those words.

“I don’t think Robin’s going to do anything stupid,” Ashley said. He picked up his coffee and realised it was cold.

“I didn’t think he would, so I have to ask why did you send Ben out to be there when Dorian arrived? It had to be you, Robin wouldn’t have thought of it and Ben wouldn’t wanted to leave you home alone with Davy.”

Simon was a perceptive man, he wouldn’t be good at his job as a police detective if he wasn’t. “It wasn’t just because I didn’t want you to worry about Robin and Dorian—yes they have history but Robin’s not going to do anything that’ll make you carry out the ultimatum you gave him.”

“Dorian’s not the problem—their history is why I know I’ve nothing to worry about there and, while there is the odd thing that gives me pause, it’s not deal-breaking.”

Ashley wasn’t sure what he meant by that. “Such as?”

“Stupid things like he used to cook—after a fashion—for Dorian. Just meal prep kits that didn’t take much, but he’s never done that for me. It niggles a bit, although we’ve not got to the living together stage yet.”

“Not sure I’d want to eat anything Ben would cook on his own, to be honest. But Robin and Dorian weren’t like you and Robin even if they did live together.”

He sighed. “I know and it’s not Dorian who’s the worry but all the others in New York.”

“I get it, I do. Ben attracts anything with a pulse in some places. I thought it’d calm down after we got married, but half of them think he’s a challenge to be won or desperate for a change.”

“It’s nice to have someone to talk to who understands. At least yours is in the same country though.”

“Yeah, but you’re probably still getting laid more often than me. The Viscount of Crofton has an uncanny ability to know when his daddies are trying to get some alone time.”

Simon laughed but then looked apologetic. “Sorry, I guess it’s all part of being a new dad. I looked after my sister’s kids when they were little to give her a chance to have some time with Nick. I’d be happy to do that for you and Ben.”

“That would be amazing, but it’s too much to ask.”

“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want to. And it’s not like I’ve got a busy social life you’d be impinging on. My boyfriend is three thousand miles away, I work weird shifts, and my idea of a good time is a 10K run.”

Simon had never been the type to sing his own praises and Ashley knew Robin’s willingness to relocate to the US without proper pre-discussion had left him rawer than he’d care to admit. At least to Robin.

“Robin won’t be out in the US forever. A few more months and he’ll be home.”

“Then where will he go? Flint Industries has offices all over the world, and his father travelled extensively as he built the business and will probably want the same for Robin. A bit like some modern-day Grand Tour.” He sighed. “I don’t mind him being away but I thought we’d be a bit more settled by now.”

Ashley had thought the same, Simon had made several comments about them not living together and he guessed this, on top of everything, was beginning to take its toll. “Haven’t there been any new properties that Robin might consider?”

“I’ve sent him a couple, but he’s not exactly biting my hand off to discuss it. Feels like it’s not high on his agenda right now.”

“Maybe when he’s home. Or during his visits.”