"Please." Our guest was getting tired. The pleading and the pain was clearly getting to him. His feet must be throbbing like a bitch. The floor underneath was slick with his own blood.
It sucked to be him, as they say. On any given day, I'd much prefer to be me anyway. If I pissed off anyone by touching their woman, and I had many times before meeting Lila, no one would dare to drag Parker or me into one of the sheds beside the Academy building and torture us. Doing that would make them the enemy of our oldest brother, Reuben Brantley. Most people weren’t dumb enough to get him offside.
Of course, that meant we got away with pretty much anything we wanted, including fucking other guys’ girlfriends.
Of course, after meeting Lila we were one-woman guys, no matter how tempting an offer was.
I glanced at my watch. "We've wasted enough time on this loser. Let's cut him free and get the fuck out of here. I, for one, could use a drink."
I hopped off the table and leaned my hip against it, my arms crossed over my chest.
Parker nodded and gripped the handle of the shears. He yanked them out of the table and stood to snip the zip tie that held Scott's arms behind him. He crouched down and snipped the ones that bound his ankles to the legs of the chair.
"You made a mess down here Scott." Parker clicked his tongue. "You can clean it up."
He grabbed the back of Scott's shirt and yanked him off the chair. He shoved him down onto the concrete floor on his knees and pressed his face down into the puddle of blood.
"Lick it up, asshole," Parker told him.
Scott glanced up at him, but started to lick his own blood off the floor.
For some reason, the sight of the first year student on his hands and knees like a dog, licking at the floor, made me laugh. It was nothing less than he deserved, and it would save washing time later. As a bonus, the floor was rough and not entirely clean. It must be chafing the shit out of his tongue.
That realisation made me laugh harder. It served him right for barrelling around the corridors of Brutham. The moment he laid a hand on Lila, he sealed his own fate. He wouldn't get any sympathy from me or anyone else here at the Academy. We didn't call the place Brutal for nothing.
"This was a good idea of yours, Park," I told my brother.
"I have them once in a while," Parker said. "It's a shame he didn't piss himself though. I'm sure he'd thoroughly enjoy licking that up."
Scott groaned and gagged.
The sound made my cock harder. I reconsidered the idea of making him suck me off, but dismissed it again. I didn't really need his blood on my balls.
Scott stopped licking and sat back on his haunches. He wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve.
"It's clean. Can I go now? Please?"
I cocked my head at him. "You know what, Parker? I think I changed my mind about letting him leave."
I slipped a gun out from the side of my jeans, and shot Scott once through the forehead.
"I guess we should call for cleanup." I put my gun away and flicked bits of brain and skull off my shirt.
Parker sighed. Not because he cared whether or not I killed Scott, but because of the hassle that came after. A hassle he put into simple but eloquently resigned words.
"Hunt, we’re on cleanup tonight."
"Fuck," I said under my breath. "You could have said something before I shot the prick."
He spread his hands. "I didn't know you were going to kill him. Do I look like a fucking mind reader?"
"You look like me, therefore you should be able to read my mind." I crouched down and grabbed Scott's wrists. "You grab his ankles. Let's get this asshole dealt with."
Parker grimaced. "Why do I have to pick him up by his ankles? You're the one who cut his toes off." In spite of that, he leaned forward and grabbed them before hoisting them into the air.