Page 4 of Heartless

"You didn't seem to object at the time." We made our way over to the door. I placed the front end of Scott down to unlock and open it.

It was dark out, and quiet. Voices and music came from the Academy building, but down here, near the sheds, there was no one but us.

Unless someone else was down here having fun like we were. That was as likely as not. The sheds were originally built to house animals and gardening stuff, like lawnmowers. When it was turned into Brutham Academy, we appropriated them for different uses. The only animals that came down here now had two legs. However, the lawnmowers were still housed in one of the sheds.

We couldn't have Brutham falling into disarray, could we now?

With Scott swinging between us, we hurried through the darkness and into trees on the edge of the property.

"Hey,Watch,turn on the torch," I said roughly in the direction of my wrist.

My watch lit up, illuminating the path through the trees.

"This would be a whole lot easier with a wheelbarrow," Parker remarked.

"Then we'd have to wash out the wheelbarrow," I pointed out. "Besides, this is good exercise. Think how big your biceps would be if we did this every day."

"My biceps are already massive," he bragged.

I snorted a laugh and stopped next to a hole beside some trees. "On three. One. Two."

On three, we swung Scott and hefted him into the hole.

He landed with a thump, half a metre down from the surface of the forest.

"This thing is getting full," Parker remarked.

I shrugged. "When it's full, we'll have another one dug."

"Reuben is going to be pissed off if we keep asking for more money for more holes." Parker walked beside me as we returned to the shed for a pair of shovels.

"Then we'll have to dig them ourselves," I said. "I wish this place would invest in an incinerator. It would be a whole lot fucking easier to drop guys like Scotty inside and not have to worry about him."

"Maybe we can ask Reuben to donate one." Parker grabbed two shovels from beside the door and handed me one.

I accepted it and followed him back out. "And make it easier for us to dispose of the evidence? What would Brutham have to blackmail us with some day?"

They turned a blind eye to anything we did, but there was always something in it for them. Always an angle they could eventually play. If one of us became the head of the Brantley family in the future, we'd owe a very large favour in return for them keeping their mouths shut.

Of course, once we graduated, Reuben would send someone behind us to clean up any evidence. He wouldn’t leave that hanging over his head. Ours, yes, not his. If our oldest brother was good at anything, it was covering his ass.

We headed back down into the forest and shovelled dirt from the pile beside the hole, over Scott.

"It would be so much easier to pay someone to do this for us," Parker remarked.

"Easier, but not as satisfying," I replied. "Look at this." I dropped an extra-large shovel full of dirt onto Scott's face, almost completely making him disappear. "Doesn't that feel good after what he did to Lila?"

"Let me try." Parker dropped dirt on the other side of Scott, covering his face completely. "That does feel good. Better than when it's just the kid of one of Reuben's enemies."

Those were all from our first year here at Brutham. Some from before the trials, some from during. Those we dispensed with during the trials, the Academy made us bury ourselves. Something about making us humble, even though we survived the first year here.

"It's true what they say, revenge is sweet." I dumped more dirt on top of Scott and smoothed it down with the back of my shovel.

"It really is," Parker agreed. "It's also making me horny as fuck."

"When are you not horny as fuck?" I leaned the shovel against a tree.

"As often as you," Parker agreed. "Never." He flashed me a grin.