Page 56 of Falsifier

Carterlivesinabig house with a vast landscape, just like my own father. Modelling the perfect facade of happiness and success.

Just like me.

Except I now appreciate what is truly important to me.

I park on the grass beside the tall barrier wall marking the edge of his property; planning to walk the few metres to the gate. It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to work out I've brought a car with me, but hopefully they won't care enough to bother Nico.

"You need to stay in the car, and this time I need you to listen," I order. "Repeat it back so I know you've understood."

"I am hearing that you do not want me to follow you," Nico repeats. "I will not go with you, Slayer."

"If I am not back in one hour, call Caeo and give him this address." I hand him my mobile phone. "Repeat my order."

"Call Caeo in one hour and give him this address." Nico takes my phone, repeating my instructions parrot fashion.

"Good boy. I need to protect the two most precious things in my life." I hope he realises that I mean him and Porter, but I realise it's not obvious.

"I do not need my value quantified. Please save Porter for both of us."

"I will." I pat his leg, fighting back the feeling that I want to kiss him. I've never wanted to kiss him before, but this isn’t the kind of kiss I give Porter. Just a peck on the forehead so he understands how much he means to me. This adventure is making him sound more like his usual happy self. That should make me want him less, not more.

I leave the car on the road outside Carter's property and walk up to the main gate.

He has automatic gates like mine, with the tall, spiked bars blocking my way ahead. But I am not here to enter stealthily. I ring the buzzer on the wall and wait.

"Who are you, what do you want?" A voice answers promptly.

"I am Knox Thayer and I want to meet with Carter Turnbridge."

"People don't just stroll into town and demand appointments with Carter Turnbridge."

"No. You're right.” The sarcasm is clear in my tone. “They look him up in the yellow pages, got his personal number right there next to his name and occupation. We book a date three weeks away and business waits patiently. Now, I could wait here patiently, or you could go and tell Mr Turnbridge that the Slayer wants a nice little chat. Maybe over a brandy, I wouldn't say no to a cigar. Now, run along before I make a mess."

"He isn't going to like this," the voice replies.

"Why should that bother me? It's not like I'm happy with this."

It's not five minutes later when the gate begins to open. The welcoming committee pours out of the house. This is more than the regular household cavalry here. Which leaves me in no doubt that Carter, and Porter are inside.

"This way Mr Thayer." One man opens the front door for me, and I enter with my head held high. The number of men here makes no difference. One man with a gun is as lethal as twelve.

The man waiting for me is more distinct from the others by the quality of his suit and the way he carries himself. He reminds me of Caeo.

"Good day to you Mr Thayer, I'm Andrew Blyth, how can we help you?"

"By showing me to Carter Turnbridge." I'm not being fobbed off by the chief lacky, even if this is exactly what I would do. I find myself sparing a little pity for when I put Caeo in these uncomfortable situations.

"He's busy with his family at the moment."

"Family?" Because Porter is family.

Then I have a wonderful idea. I push over a vase on the sideboard, and it falls to its death on the floor. "Is that all of them or just the legitimate ones?"

My voice is loud enough to wake the dead. If it doesn't bring me Mr Turnbridge, it might find its way to the lady of the house.

"She isn't home, Sir." He predicts my motives.

"I'm sure you will have the perfect excuse for the vase by the time she returns home then." I run my fingers along the side, allowing every vase in their path to fall. "I am not the only one who knows about his bastard son, so believe me when I say silencing me will make my people very vocal."