Page 57 of Falsifier

"I will summon Mr Turnbridge. If you would wait patiently."

My hand stops, my head nods, but the threat remains. It isn't long after Mr Blyth scurries away before Mr Turnbridge arrives in the hallway.

"Mr Turnbridge, so good of you to make the time to see me."

"Well, how could I say no when the slayer comes and starts breaking my things." He turns to the living room, welcoming me to join him, but this is not where he came from.

"We both have a problem. I think you're as keen to fix this as I am." I'm not beating about the bush here; I want my boy back.

"Tell me which of my problems you think you know about?"

"We can do that. But first I'm going to tell you why you want my help."

"I don't need your help," he insists.

"We'll see. Now, where's that brandy?" I make myself comfortable in the armchair and wait for a brandy to be handed to me. I'm untouchable, and he knows it. One wrong move, and my father has all the excuse he needs to destroy this man and everything he owns. "I had an incident back home. My favourite torturer was killed, and his kid was taken. Now, that kind of situation points to a revenge attack, doesn't it? Except, the boy was given a clear message pointing me right at you."

"Mr Thayer, I don't hurt kids."

"That is why I am here offering help. I'll admit, the fact the boy doesn't speak English well slowed us down, but they were asking about your bastard's new man. So, either you're curious with a death wish, or someone is trying to start a war between us."

"I don't go after kids. And I don't give a shit who my bastard boy dates. My wife would go spare if she found out about the twins."

"Oh, I will keep your secret. And I will help you discover who is trying to bring war down upon you."

"Everyone out. I want to talk to Mr Thayer alone." Turnbridge waves an arm at the bodyguards lingering on the room's edge.

I sit back and nod, knowing this is finally getting somewhere.

Chapter thirty-nine


WhenGavriiltellsmeto do something, I do it. When Gavriil tells me to do something and needs it repeating back to him, he's telling me to do the exact opposite.

Knox told me to stay in the car, and to call Caeo in an hour. Which means he wants me to go with him and call Caeo now.

While Knox makes a big deal of arriving, I use the distraction to scale the huge wall. It's quite easy with his car parked so close, once I’m standing on the roof, the wall top is only a short jump away.

Knox makes a show all the way to the house, keeping all eyes on him, and off me. I jump down, landing with a roll, leaving me more breathless than usual. Rather than open ground between the wall and the house, it's a patchwork landscape of formal garden areas. An intruder’s paradise, and I creep to the house as fast as Knox with his escort.

Getting inside is a little more difficult, I'm going to need to break a window, and I'll need another distraction.

Mr Turnbridge has a thing for balconies, and I do understand the joy of fresh air in the bedroom. I have to dig deep to find the energy but manage to scale the ornately carved support onto one of the balconies. I was hoping to find the glass door unlocked, but I am not so lucky. I could break it, but the sound would reveal me.

Something crashes downstairs and I smile at Knox's assistance. Taking a foot from one of the planters, I wait for my opportunity. His voice is loud enough for me to hear.

"I'm sure you will have the perfect excuse for the vase by then."


Yes, I'm ready.

As the crashing begins downstairs, I use the concrete foot against the door to smash the lock.

My entry is complete, but I'm not entirely sure what to do next.

"I am not the only one who knows about his bastard son, so believe me when I say silencing me will make my people very vocal."