Page 75 of Falsifier

"Uuh," Porter replies. His eyes are closed, his body so responsive to my every move. I'll give him the reward he deserves.

My slicked cock presses against his opening, the tight red sphincter greedily gobbles up my length as I press slowly into him.

"So warm and tight for me boy. Perfect in every way." I slide in and out a few times until he is panting and moaning. Then I pinch his nipples, giving each nub a hard squeeze. His legs kick and the swing rocks.

"That's it boy, fuck yourself on my cock. Take what you want."

His movements change with his attempt at structure but before long, he works out that frantic kicks have the best results.

"Please, sir, more. Make it hurt. Please. Neeeeeeed it." My boy's moans are amazing when he comes apart under my attention. Watching him become his own undoing is like magic. I just guide him now and then so he can fuck himself on me better and keep startling him with random stamps and pinches across his smooth skin.

"That's it baby, take what you need. Let my cock fill you."

"No Daddy, more!"

I freeze on the spot, though it doesn't little to slow Porter at all. He has called me many things in these moments but never Daddy. I do love the sentiment, and it’s a little closer to reality than the title of God I've accepted before. But not Daddy. I'll confess to not having the best relationship with my father, but it's not that. These pet names are more than that. They are his way of telling me what I see as clear as day. That he is mine, heart, mind and soul.

God I'm such a sentimental fool.

My fingers hook in his thighs and pin him still. My hips take over, pounding into him at full force.

"Don't hold back, baby. I'm close."

"I'm closer. Knoxxxxx I'm gonna-" He falls silent, biting on his bottom lip giving strength to hold back.

"I'm right with you, come on." Feelings of power and dominance flood through me, but they are mixed with more complex feelings, of honesty and vulnerability.

Around Porter, there are no expectations laid on me. Whatever I do, he has that same doe-eyed look of devotion.

My cock pumps inside him, shooting my cum deep in his abdomen. My hand finds his cock and fists it a few times before he surrenders and his cum pumps out in thick strands across his belly.

"You have no idea how happy you make me," I compliment. "Don't move. I'm going to get some things and I'll be right back to take care of you."

Chapter fifty


Iwakewithastart, feeling a chill running down me.

It's morning and I feel yucky. I need to wash.

I have yet to manage the toilet alone.

I am determined I can manage the toilet on my own.

One step at a time, but it would be easier if there wasn't a shower cubicle to my left and a bath to the right.

I manage what I need in under three minutes. Counting it out distracts my mind from the sound of running water.

The doctor was insistent on coming back this morning, so I have to go downstairs soon, but I can't.

I can't be what they want me to be, and I don't even know what they want.

A live in friend? A pet with a pampered life?

But this isn’t me.

I belong outside in the trees, not in this house. Maybe being Carter's son would be the perfect excuse for them to throw me out and everything can go back to how it was before. Minus my visits to Gavriil for a shower. I think that is a level of domestication I can forgo after what happened. I'll improve some way to keep clean. The biggest issue will be having nowhere to go in a heavy storm, but I'll cope. Especially if I manage to access this money they all claim to give me.