Page 74 of Falsifier

"Yes," I declare.

"Yes what?" Knox grins.

I'm not sure if he wants me to expand on my agreement or just be more polite about it.

"Yes sir. Everything."

"Brat. You can't just agree to everything. We need to talk about hard and soft limits, and-"

"No sir. I don’t know what those are. You know me better than I do. You own my body and I give it to you with utter faith."

"If I do anything you don't like?"

"Muffins," I promise.

"Then you are overdressed, boy."

I make a rushed job of changing that. Teasing him with my stripping and dancing feels like a bedroom thing, where I am his, but also still a little bit my own. I don’t want that here. I want to be naked on my knees, completely at his mercy. Completely his.

Chapter forty-nine


Eyesofwondertakein every nook of my playroom. Short hungry breaths react to everything he sees. Once his clothes are removed, I place them in the wire basket for him. He'll learn where they go, but not today. Today my boy will replace the mental pain with a physical one. He will soar above his feelings, and he will release them.

Standing in my expensive suit, with a naked man at my feet is how life is meant to be. It's why I could never own a gay club. This is where my tight grip on self-control threatens to buckle, and it is here that I embrace the power I have over it. Straight clubs are where I clean my money. Gay clubs are where I take control. Caeo is better at this than me. He taught me everything I know, becoming a true friend through our love of young men willing to mould and bend under our crops. I could never find love there, I didn't even try, but completely owning another truly brings me to life.

It isn't about hurting him, it's about controlling him, that has my cock hardening. I will hurt him, because that is what he wants and needs, and I want to give him his desires.

Making him wait is almost enough.

"I'm going to collar you now." My voice breaks the silence ad I pick the leather band from the drawer. Just my voice alone has him shuddering.

This room isn't as well used as I had intended when I built it, the items in here are clean and fresh. Porter seems to enjoy the scent of new leather as I wrap it under his jaw.

I don't want to give my boy a heavy session, just enough to make him fly.

"Come with me," I instruct, helping him rise up from his knees. He doesn’t have to kneel for me to know I own him. He follows willingly but I can't resist hooking a finger in the collar anyway. My swing should be a good start for tonight. We can explore the more adventurous parts of the playroom at his leisure, or should I say pleasure.

"Sit here." I lower the front of the swing so he can climb in. "Butt at the edge of the material."

He obeys, his mind in a daze. This is exactly what he needs.

"Going up," I pre-warn him as I pull the front back into place. The movement throws his weight backwards and I don't want to startle him.

"Reach up to the swing supports, there are some straps you can wrap around your wrists and hold."

He won't be bound in the swing as such, but he can have the feeling of restraint if he wants to.

The foot stirrups act the same way, supporting his ankles to the side so I have good access to his arse at the edge of the fabric.

"Please Sir," he whispers.

"Patience, treasure." Starting with my hand, I cast a few smacks across his plump arse before lubing up one finger.

Slipping inside has my boy moaning, but I can't let him get too focused on the digit currently fucking him, surprising him with infrequent smacks so he can't predict them. He needs the pain to help him find his happy place. I add a second finger and Porter starts to squirm. Respecting the self-binding straps around his wrists, his arms pull but don't release and he starts building a little momentum. Before he knows it, Porter is doing all the work, fucking himself on my fingers with his own movements. Slapping my hand against his cheeks leaves red patches, smacking his thighs has him twisting sideways in the swing.

"Are you there yet? In the floating place at the back of your mind?" I don't want to hurt him more than I need to, but honestly, I just want to bury my cock in that needy hole and fuck all his troubles away.