Page 41 of The Craving

It’s like he is waiting me out before he’ll start.

“Fine!” I drop onto the couch opposite him, but only just on the edge of it. I’m still so agitated that my back is ramrod straight and my hands are clasped together in my lap so tightly I can clearly see the whites of my knuckles.

“Fine.” He starts to laugh a little.

“Yes, so you said, now get on with it.” Stringing this out is bringing him pleasure, I can see it written all over his face. His anger from downstairs is gone, and it’s like he enjoys provoking me.

Leaning back on the couch and placing his arm along the top of it, he looks like a GQ model in a photoshoot, advertising some high-priced whiskey label.

Hell, just looking at this man, like he’s sex personified, would make me buy whatever he’s selling.

The strong jawline that has just the right amount of stubble and the glisten on his lips from the whiskey take my mind off why I was angry. Watching him slowly raise the glass to his lips again, the veins in his hand are popping, and I can’t imagine what his arms look like under that jacket and shirt. Would he be one of those guys that’s strong enough to lift me and pin me against a wall while he slowly fucks me? Or throw me onto the bed, pushing my legs apart over his shoulders and feasting on me until I can’t do anything but explode all over his face.

Explode. The word bringing me back from my fantasy. Shit, how long have I been staring at him?

“Enjoying the view, Victoria?” His words are so smooth, like cream rolling off his tongue. The view is more than enjoyable, but I can’t admit that to him. I’m supposed to be angry.

“Not really.” Lies, all lies.

The asshole is laughing at me! He knows what he’s doing to me, but I won’t let him take advantage of my stupid lusting for him.

“For God’s sake, can you just get on with it?” I blurt, feeling flustered now.

“Of course,” he says, placing his glass on the table next to him and sitting forward a little so we are closer. Laying his hands on his thighs, he finally looks more serious as he starts talking.

“I know we don’t really know each other very well, and this is asking you to do something that will be completely out of your comfort zone.”

“Playing a fake girlfriend to a man who virtually gave me no choice but to get on a jet with him and spend seven days somewhere I have never been before. With no idea what is happening, and at the same time work my ass off to please him with some amazing portfolio, otherwise I will probably lose my job. Oh, and that is after he put me drunk in his car with him, a total stranger. Umm, let me see, where even is the line for the comfort zone? Because I think we jumped straight over that yesterday in your office.” Dammit, Tori, you need to learn to shut up with the word vomit. I can’t seem to keep my thoughts inside my brain today. I’m losing the game this morning. My inside voice has the upper hand in this match.

“What is it with you, woman? You want me to explain, but then you talk before I can finish. Although, I will say you make a fair point. I’ve thrown a lot at you in the last few days, haven’t I.”

“You think! Carry on.” I try to shut down my thoughts before I start on another rant.

“It’s a long story that maybe we could talk over tonight, but the short version is that I own this company and I want to rebrand it. Which should be the end of the story, but sadly, it’s not. I have a distant cousin who works for me and is on the board, and she is trying to undermine me at every opportunity. I have told the board my plans, but I don’t want them to know any more than that, until we have all the final specs that I want to run with. The reason being I can’t afford for her to get the chance to poison their minds and make the whole thing a shitshow.” I can tell this is difficult for him to tell me, and I doubt he is a person who shares much with anyone.

Taking a breath and relaxing back into my couch, I ask the obvious question. “So, what does that have to do with me? It’s not like I’m telling her anything. I don’t know her, and to be honest, I don’t even have a clue on where I’m going with the portfolio yet.” I feel my face blush at admitting that I feel like a failure already.

“Tori, I trust you with this job, so let’s clear that up right now. I was a dick yesterday, and again, I’ll explain why one day. But for two reasons we need you to pretend you are here as my girlfriend. The first one is that we don’t know who she has as allies within the company and who will be sending her any little piece of gossip they can get. The second is that if she believes you are my girlfriend and that Ms. Francis is working the job, then she will leave you alone. I don’t want her targeting you. She is ruthless, and I want to protect you and your name in this industry. Honestly, she will do anything to take me down and won’t care who she hurts in the process. So, as ridiculous as it sounds, I’m partly doing this for you. We will both benefit if we can make it believable. And don’t worry, I’m not expecting you to be all over me all week.”

I can’t help but giggle like a schoolgirl at his comment. That lusty woman deep down inside me is yelling loudly about how much she wouldn’t mind that. The look on his face tells me he might be thinking the same thing too.

Gulping, he continues. “Maybe holding hands or the occasional kiss on the cheek.” He looks at me, waiting for my answer, but I don’t really know what to say. “Please know you can say no, and it will make no difference to your job with me, and I will treat you the same as I would have before Flynn’s phone call.”

“What, so you will remain the biggest arrogant asshole there is?” I want to slap my forehead for the second time today for the inside thought that slipped out.

But I don’t quite get the reaction I was expecting. Instead of him defending himself, Nic starts laughing.

“Yes, touché. I’ll try harder to be less of a jerk. And can I just say, it’s one of the things I find so attractive about you, your complete honesty and how you aren’t afraid to tell me your inner thoughts. It’s refreshing in my world.” He reaches forward with his hand, palm up and the most genuine look on his face I have seen since I met him.

“What do you say, think you can do me this favor? I mean, who knows, we might even become friends after the week together.”

How can I say no to a man who is virtually begging for my help without getting on his knees to do it. And I have a feeling he might be pulling down his walls to show a bit of vulnerability, more than I think he ever has before.

To cover the embarrassment and tingling at hearing him say he finds me attractive, of course I can’t help but reply with sarcasm. “Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. Friends sounds like a big leap for two people who yell at each other for fun.” Reaching forward, I place my hand in his, and it’s the most affectionate clasp I have ever felt from a man.

His thumb rubs the top of my hand as he quietly says the simple words, “Thank you, Victoria.” The way my name leaves his lips has me tingling.

And I feel a little crack in the layer that I had firmly wrapped around my heart to protect it from doing anything stupid.