Page 40 of The Craving

“Tori.” His deep growl stops me mid-sentence. It’s the kind of voice that I can’t ignore as much as I want to, I just can’t.

“Please.” Although his word comes out of him in such a forceful way, it’s almost a plea from a man who has never had to rely on anyone for anything in his life. The constant personality changes in this man just confuse me, until I can’t even think straight. Which leads me to shut my mouth and just nod yes to him.

His grip on my hand releases slightly so he is no longer cutting off the circulation in my fingers as he tries to stop me from escaping his grasp.

“Thank you,” he grumbles. As we start toward the doors of the hotel, Nic is greeted by the doorman, and his reply I’ll say is less than civil, but at least he still replies.

Stepping around the mess of the foyer, I can tell it’s stressing Nic more than he was five seconds ago, and I didn’t think that was possible. One of the staff is talking to him and points him toward the boardroom where they seem to have made a makeshift check-in desk, where a woman stands, ready to assist guests. I don’t know what happened, but there is a problem, and I’m guessing that’s why we’re here.

“Ciao, Mr. Darby. Nice to see you. Do you want me to call Signor Rossi?” Her hand is already on the phone, and I can tell she’s nervous. Who wouldn’t be if the big boss of the company is standing in front of you and looking like he wants to smash something.

“No,grazie. Please tell him my girlfriend and I will have lunch in our room, then when I’m ready, I’ll speak to him.” I can tell he is trying to show some politeness but is not doing very well at it. “Is my usual room ready?” he asks, holding his free hand out for the key. I hope like Christ that it is, because I pity this girl if she has to say no.

“Si, Mr. Darby. I hope you have a pleasant stay with us. Please let us know if we can help in any way. Your bags are already being placed in your room as we speak.” Must be nice never to have to worry about anything in your life, having people wait on you every minute of the day.

Nic takes the key cards, with what I would say is almost a snatch, but he manages to pull back the aggression at the last minute.


Looking at her name badge so I can acknowledge her personally, I try to smile as big as I can so she doesn’t feel like it’s her fault that my supposed boyfriend is being such a prick to her.

“Thank you, Francesca. I’m sure the stay will be lovely.” But my words are drifting behind me, as I’m already being dragged to the elevator.

“Nic!” I curse under my breath.

“Don’t,” he says. As we wait for the elevator doors to open, he looks straight ahead.

What the fuck is wrong with this man?

Finally, the doors open, and we enter an empty car. As soon as the doors are closed, I try to pull my hand free, but again, I’m being chastised like a child.

“Not here,” is all he says and keeps looking straight forward, not even making eye contact with me.

“Fine, but you better start talking soon!” My patience is now shattered, and I’m not prepared to be used like a puppet for much longer without a very long explanation of what the hell just happened after Flynn’s phone call.

Reaching our room, which of course is on the top floor and looks like there is only one other room up on this floor, the bell boy is just coming out of the room from placing our few bags inside. It’s not like I had many clothes to pack, and Nic must pack light because his bag was smaller than mine, but he of course had the accompanying suit bag.

“Grazie,” Nic mumbles as we push past him into the room and close the door behind us.

I’m so angry and immediately pull my hand free from his. But as soon as I look up, I stop dead in my tracks.

The man I’m about to tear strips off is standing in front of me, starting to apologize before I even have a chance to open my mouth.

“Christ, I’m so sorry about that, Tori. Please let me explain before you explode in front of my eyes. Because I can see you are about to let loose on me.” He places his hands on my shoulders, trying to calm me, but instead, it just lights the fire.

Stepping back and stomping farther into the room, I spin back around and let loose just like he knew I would.

“Explode? Gee, what makes you think I would do that? What the ever-loving fuck just happened! I’m not here as your personal slave to do as I’m told when you growl at me. Too right you better start talking, before I take my bag and walk back out that door, hopping on the first plane back to London.” With both my hands on my hips, I give him the biggest staredown I can muster.

“See? Like I said, exploding. I told Flynn I’d be lucky to make it out alive, and he laughed. But he’s not the one here and about to have his nuts kicked in.” Rolling his eyes, Nic walks straight to the drinks cart set up in the corner, pouring himself a whiskey and pointing the bottle at me to ask if I want one. I could drink it like a shot right now, but the angel on my shoulder who looks a lot like Elouise in my vision shakes her finger at me, signaling what a bad idea that would be.

“Less drinking, more talking, asshole!” I watch him take a long sip and close his eyes for a moment as he lets it slide down his throat. I shouldn’t be enjoying the vision of his Adam’s apple bobbing as much as I am.

“Take a seat, Tori,” he says, motioning toward a couch to my right.

“No! And it’s Victoria, remember?” I’m too angry, confused, and weirdly turned on to be able to sit still. What is wrong with me?

“Seriously.” He rolls his eyes at me and unbuttons his jacket when I don’t respond. He takes a seat himself even though I refused his offer. “Fine, if that’s the way you want it, Victoria.” Taking another sip of his whiskey, he takes his time because he knows it’s annoying me even more than I already am.